
A first run of the shared task RevOpiD-2017 was hosted at the 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP-2017), which saw 40+ registrations from 4 continents. This year (2018), we have returned with the following enhancements:

  1. An opinion labelled dataset of 80+ products and 10,000+ reviews (a subset of Amazon SNAP dataset)
  2. Multiple baselines (to be released) to help kickstart your methods.
  3. Easier output formats.
  4. More evaluation metrics.
  5. RevOpiD-2018 is not just a shared task. We invite unpublished works on a wide range of topics, seeking the community's perspectives on opinion mining, summarization and diversification.

Here's a link to our shared task description paper from RevOpiD-2017.