Revolutions and Romanticism

Civic Life, Fashion, Arts, Literature

Brief Description of Romanticism/Revolutions

Romanticism was a period from 1800-1850 that originated in Europe. This period came to influence as people started to rebel against formality and strict laws. It is characterized primarily by freethinking, emotions, and expression of feelings. This time period is also fresh off of The American Revolution as well as the French Revolution. Both of these revolutions involve breaking away from the government in order to think freely, just like Romantic thinkers. Nationalism was more popular during this time because the Romantic period also coincides with the age of revolutions. The importance of thinking freely also involved denouncing Enlightenment thinking-- deciding to think with emotions rather than logic. The civic life, fashion, arts, and literature all reflect this emotional time period.

Civic Life

Government: The ideas during the Romantic Era were greatly decided by the writings of the Enlightenment Leaders in Writing such as John Locke, Voltaire, and Adam Smith. These three writers worked on the explaining of their opinion on democracy and the evil they believed was incorporated in a monarchy. The Romantic Era was a retaliation to other enlightenment ideas that supported totalitarism.

Laws and Rights: During this time period, there were many people that do not have rights, reflecting the revolutions of the time period. The lower class in France become starved and impoverished in the late 1700s. This caused them to rebel against the French Government. In the United States, citizens had just gained their independence from Great Britain. However, women and people of color were not treated equally, and did not have any of the rights that white men received after the Revolution. This is why people like Frederick Douglass and Elizabeth Cady Stanton began writing about their oppression during the Romantic period. They used a lot of emotional language in their writing.

Protests: Romantic thinkers protested against the oversimplification and narrowness of the 28th century. They did not like the order and perfectionism that was the Enlightenment period. Thinkers did not understand the mundane approach to everything in society, such as history, politics, and science.

Wars: While warfare is generally undertaken for political reasons, the French Revolutionary war was primary because of political considerations. When the French went to war, they naively thought it was a way to attain power. France fought against Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia and several other conservative monarchies. The Treaty of Amiens in March 1802 ended the French Revolutionary Wars.

Religion: During the romantic period, people believed that God is everywhere. They believed that he is found in nature, and that is why the Romantic period reflects many themes of nature, through art and literature. Methodists and Baptists often followed these beliefs and made up most of the religious groups that followed the romantic period.


During the Romantic era, Victorian women fashion items included lace, florals, Victorian boots and stockings. These were the popular items because they were considered elegant and beautiful. During this period, you would be able to differentiate the rich from the poor based on what they were wearing. The upper-class woman would be found wearing corsets, satin and silks, because these were the more expensive items. On the other hand, the lower class wore clothes that would keep them warm such as, cotton or wool.

Dressing up a 1830 lady - YouTube

The Arts

Music: The music of this time period was complex and elegant. The Romantic period had innovations such as addition of instruments to the orchestra, and more nationalism. An example of a famous artist from this time period would be Robert Schumann. His work is intense, and his most famous work is his Piano Concerto. This concerto shows the rise and fall of his emotions about his life through different methods. His work is a prime example of the emotions felt during this time.

Schumann Piano Concerto, in A minor, OP. 54 Martha Argerich & Riccardo Chailly - YouTube

Art: Art in the Romantic Era focused on the emotions of everyone and was less focused on preciseness. This period did not have a specific art form, rather it was a mix of everything. This includes portraits, people, landscapes, religion and revolution. One of the most famous pieces is titles "Wanderer of the Sea of Fog" created in 1818 by Caspar David Friedrich.


Frederick Douglass' autobiography "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass" is a prime example of the search for freedom through emotional pain and turmoil. The Romantic Era is characterized by emotional accounts such as this. Released in 1864, this Narrative follows the path Douglass took to being a free man in the United States. This narrative is essential to understanding the Romantic Era because it shows the emotional hardships that Douglass went through in order to earn something that many people were born with.

Another document with similar beliefs is the "Declaration of Sentiments." Written by Elizabeth Cady Stanton in 1848, this document outlines the need for recognition of the natural-born rights of women. This document in tandem with Douglass' work shows how many minorities of the time were not satisfied with their lives, which is a main point of the Romantic Era. Both Douglass and Stanton wanted rights for all human beings, and this was a very emotional journey.

Works Cited

Douglass, Frederick, and William Lloyd Garrison. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. Printed by Joseph Barker, 1846.

Stanton, Elizabeth C. Declaration of Sentiments. Printed at the Gazette Office, 1841.

“Robert Schumann.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,

“The Romanticism Art Era.” The Characteristics of the Romanticism Art Period,,included%20people%2C%20landscapes%2C%20peaceful%20beauty%2C%20religion%2C%20and%20revolution.

classicmusic541. “Schumann Piano Concerto, in A Minor, Op. 54 Martha Argerich & Riccardo Chailly.” YouTube, YouTube, 10 Nov. 2012,

priorattire. “Dressing up a 1830 Lady.” YouTube, YouTube, 29 Aug. 2017,

“Romantic Era Timeline.” Math,,18th%20century%20and%20peaked%20between%201800%20and%201850.