Call For Contributions

Important Dates:

Submission Format:  Papers must be up to 4 pages (without references) in IEEE Conf format with 2 columns. Any changes will be announced as soon as possible.  

Video Submission: Videos may be submitted as a standalone system demo or as demo/experiment described in a submitted paper. Videos should be less than 3 minutes long.

We invite early-career researchers, clinicians and healthcare professionals, roboticists, and members from different scientific communities to submit contributions. We will especially encourage women and young researchers' participation, in order to support gender balance and the promotion of early-career researchers to present themselves to the community. 

The papers will be peer-reviewed (single-blind) for the relevance of content to the workshop and basic quality.
Accepted manuscripts will be invited to present a teaser of their work to all participants of the workshop (single-track presentation). 

The spotlight teasers will be accompanied by posters during the interactive session at the coffee-break.

Topics of Interest

 This workshop is therefore interested in covering and addressing topics within the following scope (but not limited to): 

● Safe Control of Physical interaction

● Applications for Service Robotics

● Health-Care and Humanoids

● Whole-body Control of Physical Interaction with Humans

● Human-in-the-loop Control

● Rehabilitation Robotics

● Human Movement

● Tele-operation of Humanoid Robots

● Automation and Digital Twins

● Muscolo-skeletal Models and Ergonomics

● Collaborative and Ergonomics Control

● Applications for Humanoid Robots in the Future

● Design and Control of Actuators for Human-Robot


● Safety/softness in Physical Human-Robot Interaction

● Applications in Wearable and Haptic Devices

● Applications for Service Robotics

● Health-Care and Humanoids

● Evaluation of Robotics from a Care Perspective

● User Involvement in Design and Development of Healthcare Robotics

● Technization in Nursing Care 

● Dignity and Autonomy as Fundamental Rights in Human-Machine-Relations

● Rehabilitation Robotics

● Informed Consent within the Patient-Doctor Relationship

● Nursing and robotics within Healthcare

● Robotics in nursing

● Ethic guidelines in robotics and AI in Healthcare

● Law and regulation

● Design of the Robot and Autonomy: Regulation of Design