
The listing of a vendor or other entity below does not constitute or imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by the Association of Revolutionary Turners.

Suppliers where ART members receive discounts

Benchcrafted 5% off 

Klingspor Extra 10% off: Call 800-645-5555 tell them your name and that you are an ART member.

North Woods figured wood Extra 15% off: Call (800) 556-3106 Use coupon code WOODTURNERS at checkout.

Peke Safety High end PPE equipment for woodturners

Rockler 10% discount with club member card

WoodCraft 10% discount with club member card


Abrasive Resource Reasonable prices. Orders over $250 receive a 15% discount. Orders over $500 receive a 20% discount.

ChefwareKits  American Made Woodturning Jigs & Tooling for Thread cutting, Open Segment, Basket Weave Illusion, Sphere cutting and more.

Exotic Woods USA

Got Wood? Domestic Turning Blanks

Royce Sales - Great prices on quality hi-temp sandpaper discs (2" & 3")

R&D Bandsaw Great prices on bandsaw blades

Sandpaper Family Inc. (Formerly Royce Sales) PO Box 56028, Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada, L8E 1V0 Toll Free: 800-684-9262

Vinces Wooden Wonders Reasonable prices 

WoodTurners Wonders 

Woodturning Cruise - Norway

Tool Steel Suppliers



Center for Furniture Craftsmanship

Rockler - Salem, NH

Woodcraft - Woburn, MA