How Can You Maintain Your Hardwood Floors After Installation?

The gleam of freshly hardwood floor installation is a sight to behold. It elevates your home's aesthetics and imbues a sense of warmth. But that initial shine can fade over time if proper maintenance isn't implemented. Here's how you can ensure your hardwood floors stay gorgeous for years to come:

Cleaning with Care

Unlike tile or laminate, hardwood requires a specific cleaning approach. Avoid harsh chemicals, soap-based products, and excessive water. Opt for a microfiber mop designed for hardwood floors, paired with a manufacturer-recommended cleaning solution. Remember, a damp mop is your friend, not a dripping one! Spills happen, so address them promptly with a microfiber cloth to prevent staining. For a deeper clean, consult a professional cleaning service familiar with hardwood flooring.

Prevention is Key

Dirt and debris are the archenemies of hardwood floors. Invest in quality doormats at all entrances to trap dust and grit before it get tracked inside. Regular vacuuming with the brush attachment on the softest setting is essential. For areas prone to heavy foot traffic, consider placing throw rugs to minimize wear and tear. Keeping your pet's nails trimmed will also help prevent scratches.

Furniture Matters

Heavy furniture can leave permanent indentations on hardwood floors. Distribute the weight of furniture by using large rugs underneath. Employ felt pads on furniture legs to prevent scratches when moving them. When rearranging furniture, lift it instead of dragging it across the floor.

Climate Control

Fluctuations in humidity can wreak havoc on hardwood floors. During dry winter months, a humidifier can help prevent gaps from forming between floorboards. Conversely, a dehumidifier can be beneficial in humid climates to prevent warping. Aim for a consistent humidity level between 30% and 50%.

Sun Safety

While natural light is wonderful, direct sunlight can cause hardwood floors to fade over time. Consider installing blinds or UV-protective window film on south-facing windows to safeguard your floors.

Refinishing Reality

Even with the best care, hardwood floors will eventually require refinishing. The frequency depends on the type of wood, finish, and foot traffic. Signs that refinishing might be necessary include deep scratches, significant fading, or a buildup of cleaning product residue. When that time comes, consult with reputable hardwood floor refinishing contractors to restore your floors to their former glory.

By implementing these simple strategies, you can ensure your hardwood floors remain a beautiful and durable feature of your home for many years to come. At Big Bro Hardwood, we understand your affection towards hardwood floors and offer the best services of hardwood flooring in Orland Park, IL and in other nearby areas. For more services regarding hardwood floors, visit our website