Getresponse Review 2021

In this detailed Getresponse review, I take a look at a popular email marketing solution and dive into its pros and cons. Is It Right For Your Business?

Getresponse overall score: 4.4/5

There are an increasing number of email marketing tools on the market and choosing the right one can be very difficult.

You're probably here because you've heard a bit about Getresponse and are wondering if it's the right option for your business.

Now, this Getresponse review is here to help you. let us discuss product pricing, templates, and marketing features in-depth, and give you the verdict on all of them. So, read on to get:

What is Getresponse?

Getresponse is an email marketing application that allows you to create a mailing list and capture data on it send emails to subscribers on your mailing list automate your emails to subscribers by using "autoresponders" view and analyze statistics related to your email campaigns: open rate, clicks, forwards, etc.

However, in recent years, Getresponse has shifted its emphasis considerably: the product is now intended to be more of an "all-in-one" e-commerce and marketing solution rather than a simple email marketing tool.

Consequently, in addition to email marketing, Getresponse now also offers e-commerce features, webinar hosting, landing pages, and automated sales funnels.

Getresponse has been in business since 1998, and according to the company, more than 350,000 individuals and businesses now use the platform for their email campaigns.

While this user base is not as large as that of other email marketing tools (Mailchimp in particular), it is large enough to provide confidence that the business is well established and is not likely to disappear in the future. short term.

TOP 4 Getresponse plans:

Basic - Starting at $ 15 per month to send an unlimited number of emails to up to 1,000 subscribers

Plus, starting at $ 49 per month for up to 1,000 subscribers

Professional - Starting at $ 99 per month for up to 1,000 subscribers

Max - negotiable.

As you add more subscribers to your list, the costs go up. At the higher end of the scale, you can expect to pay $ 450, $ 499, or $ 580 per month to use Getresponse with a list containing 100,000 subscribers on the "Basic", "Plus", and "Professional" plans (respectively).

Get feedback to schedule a demo, discuss your needs, and negotiate to price.

There are decent discounts available if you pay in advance for 12 or 24 months of service (18% and 30% respectively).

In addition to the paid plans, a 30-day free trial is also available, which you can access via this link.

differences between plans

All Getresponse plans cover the email marketing basics you might expect; the main features include:

  • the ability to import, grow and host a subscriber list

  • a selection of topics to use in your ezines

  • auto-reply functionality

  • responsive email layouts

  • split test

  • landing pages

  • detailed reports

  • RSS / blog to email functionality

  • list of targeting options

Automation Builder

Possibly the standout feature of Getresponse, the Automation Builder (which allows you to create complex auto-response sequences based on user behavior) is only available on the 'Plus' plan or higher (you can create 5 automation on the plus plan or an unlimited number plan in the other plans).

Conversion Funnels

Gain access to more automated sales funnels as you move up the price ladder.

Webinars: This functionality is not available at all on the "Basic" plan and the number of attendees for the webinar is limited for the "Plus", "Professional" and "Enterprise" plans to 100, 300, and 500 respectively.

Team management: you can only have one user account in the "Basic" plan; instead, it gets 3 on "Plus", 5 on "Professional" and 10 on "Enterprise.


The Abandoned Order Recovery feature is only available on the "Plus" plan or higher.

How does Getresponse's price compare to its competitors?

As long as you're happy to use one of the entry-level basic plans, Getresponse's pay-per-month plans are generally cheaper than those provided by many of its key competitors, especially if you have a reasonably large number of email addresses. electronic in its database.

On the entry-level database end, Getresponse's pricing is quite competitive - you can host a database containing up to 1,000 email addresses for $ 15 a month with Getresponse, compared to $ 29 a month. in Aweber and Campaign Monitor. The price for Mailchimp's widely comparable "Standard" plan is $ 14.99 per month. As you move up the price ladder, Getresponse maintains a competitive price.

If you have a contact list that contains 10,000 records, hosting it on the Getresponse "Basic" plan costs $ 65 per month.

Some competing providers, notably Mailchimp and Aweber, offer free accounts for users with a small number of registrations (note, however, that these do not offer the full range of features that you get with a paid plan). Getresponse does not yet offer a similar free plan.

Some solutions (Mailchimp again is a great example) charge you to host subscribed and unsubscribed contacts, which can become a significant hidden cost. Getresponse only charges you for your active subscribers.

If you're willing to prepay for 1 or 2 years, you can take advantage of substantial discounts with Getresponse that other competitors don't offer yet.

Getresponse Benefits

Compared to other email marketing tools, Getresponse comes with an unusually large feature set, even in its entry-level plan.

its feature set to the point where it has been transformed into an all-in-one marketing and e-commerce solution.


Autoresponders are electronic newsletters that are sent to your subscribers at intervals of their choice. For example, you can configure them so that

Immediately after someone signs up for your mailing list, they will receive a welcome message from your company.

a week later, they could receive a discount offer for some of their products or services Three weeks later, they could get a boost to follow you on social media.

Getresponse's autoresponder feature is a key selling point - the product provides some of the most comprehensive autoresponder features available.

You can send time-based or action-based messages; Time-based options include cycles like the example above, and action-based messages can be triggered by actions or user input, for example, Below

  • opens

  • clicks

  • subscriptions to private lists

  • changes in contact preferences

  • transactions / goals completed

  • birthday

  • changes in user data

  • Marketing automation tools

In addition to the basic "drip" style autoresponders mentioned above, Getresponse provides a more sophisticated option for automatically sequencing emails. This is called "Marketing Automation" and is available on the "Plus" or higher plans.

For a quick visual overview of how this all works, I suggest you take a look at Getresponse's video tutorial on its marketing automation features watch the video

Get reply email templates

There are around 115 Getresponse templates available, fewer than some competing email marketing solutions (notably Aweber, which offers around 700), but they are varied in nature and the designs are very contemporary (and customizable).

Email templates are grouped into a few categories focusing on main goals (promotion, education, selling, etc.).The quality of all templates is high and I have no reservations about using them for my email campaigns.

However, there is one omission worth noting: the option to set "global" styles for headings and text. As it stands, the template editor does not allow you to define heading and paragraph styles that you can reuse in a message; this means more text formatting as you compose emails, which is a bit of a hassle.

The Getresponse email creator allows you to make extensive use of web fonts. You can use a wide selection of Google fonts in your ezines, more than any competing tool you've tried to date.


Getresponse offers a good variety of analysis and reporting options. You'll get all the basics of course - open rate, clicks, unsubscribe rates, etc., but on top of that, there are some very nifty reporting features that deserve a particular mention, namely:

"One-click targeting" - The option to identify people who did not participate in an email newsletter you sent and place them in a subscriber segment that you can then email again with a different version of the email newsletter.

"Metrics Over Time" - You can find out exactly when the majority of your subscribers take action on your emails and schedule your future sendings based on this information

Split-test:Split testing involves sending variants of your ezines to some of the people on your subscriber list, monitoring the performance of each, and sending the "best" version to the rest of your list.

Getresponse allows you to test the execution of split tests using up to 5 subject headings or content variants. However, you can only use one variable at a time during a split test; For example, you can test two emails with different subject headers from each other, but both versions of the email must contain the same content.

Some other email marketing tools are a bit more flexible in this regard, allowing you to test using more variables (for example, send time or sender name) or the option to mix variables during testing.

Landing page builder

Online ad campaigns that make use of landing pages will generally generate many more leads if, instead of simply directing people to an information-packed website, they direct users to attractive pages that contain clear information and a snapshot. clean and well-designed data form.


Getresponse recently introduced the ability to host webinars on the platform. Since webinars can be used as a lead generation tactic, or indeed a revenue-generating feature, the idea of ​​having your email database and webinar tool under the same roof is very attractive.

The price is also very competitive compared to established webinar solutions. For example, one of the leading webinar hosting services, Gotowebinar, charges $ 59 per month to host webinars with up to 100 participants. In fact, you can do the same, and much more, with Getresponse starting at $ 49 per month.

Regarding attendee limits, the Getresponse "Plus" plan allows you to host a webinar with up to 100 participants; the limit of the "Professional" plan is 300, and the "Enterprise" plan limit is 500.

If I'm honest, because I found some aspects of the Getresponse interface, especially the landing pages, a bit clunky in the past, I wasn't expecting much from the webinar feature.

the fact that your attendees do not need to install any software to attend the webinars

  • one-click registration of your webinars

  • screen sharing functionality

  • video sharing functionality (YouTube)

  • the option to upload Powerpoint presentations to Getresponse for use during a webinar

  • free online storage for replay files.

Conversion funnels

Another new feature that Getresponse recently introduced is "funnels", and this represents a huge change for the product.

This is because, to some extent, it turns Getresponse from an email marketing platform into something you can use to run an entire e-commerce business.The idea behind this function is that you can do the following things without having to leave the Getresponse environment:

  • Create a product catalog

  • Create and run Facebook ad campaigns

  • Create landing pages

  • Add subscribers to an autoresponder cycle

  • Direct users to sales pages (also created in Getresponse)

  • Accept payment for the products

  • Send abandoned cart emails if necessary

In other words, Getresponse aims to provide you with an easy means of creating an online store and accompanying sales funnel without the need for any other applications.

You can access the funnel function in all plans, but you should note that the version available in the 'Basic' plan only allows you to create a funnel and does not allow you to make use of the abandoned cart recovery function ( which automatically sends an email to people who added an item to their cart only so they don't complete their purchase).

Participation processes

There are two methods you can use to add subscribers to a mailing list: You can use a "single sign up" or "double sign up" process.

If you use a single sign-up process, the person who signs up is added to your mailing list the moment they hit the Submit button on their sign-up form. This approach is good for growing a list, but it can attract fake registrations.

With a double subscription process, the person who signs up to your list is sent an email containing a confirmation link that they must click before subscribing. This reduces the number of spam logs, but it can also reduce the overall size of your list.

Ease of use interface

In general, Getresponse is quite easy to use. This was not always the case, but its interface was recently redesigned and its menu system is now relatively straightforward, with key functions easily accessible.

However, Getresponse's form designer and landing page creation tools could still benefit from a little overhaul; Unlike most of the product's features, they haven't been greatly improved as part of the interface revamp. They could be easier to use.

In terms of how the Getresponse interface compares to its competitors, I would say that Campaign Monitor is a bit easier to use and that Mailchimp's interface features a cleaner design. The Aweber interface probably comes closest in terms of looks.

How good is the Getresponse free trial?

Like many competing email marketing products, you can try Getresponse for free before you buy. The free trial is fully functional and lasts 30 days, and allows you to use a list of up to 1,000 subscribers.

Getresponse Pros

✅It is quite easy to use.

As long as you're happy to use a "Basic" plan, Getresponse is cheaper than many of its key competitors (in some cases, significantly) while offering as much, if not more, functionality than they do.

✅The discounts you receive when you prepay for one or two years of service are extremely generous; similar discounts from key competitors will be difficult to find.

✅You get really advanced features when it comes to marketing automation.

✅Its flexible approach to data segmentation makes list management really easy - it outshines many competing products on this front.

✅Getresponse webinar functionality is excellent and a genuine PVU. I have not found this functionality in similar products.

✅Its "Conversion Funnel" feature is potentially useful for small businesses that want to manage all aspects of their social media ads, sales funnels, and e-commerce activity under one roof. Its reporting functions are comprehensive.

✅Getresponse is transparent about delivery rates, publishes figures on its website, and provides delivery statistics for the ezines it sends out.

✅All Getresponse plans come with a useful (albeit complicated) landing page builder that makes A / B testing easy, something that could save you a lot of money.

✅Custom DKIM is provided on all plans. Support is provided in a wide variety of languages. It integrates very well with Google Analytics and other metrics tools.

✅With the exception of the proper cookie consent features on your landing pages, it's pretty good at complying with the GDPR requirements.

✅You can try all of Getresponse's features for free for 30 days without the need to enter your credit card details.

Cons Getresponse

Although you can use the Facebook pixel with the Getresponse landing page feature, you cannot do so in a GDPR compliant way. Improvements could be made to the operation of data capture forms so that users have the option to turn them on or off on mobile devices. There is a strict limit of 500 webinar attendees.

Telephone support is not provided (unless you have a "Max" plan). Split testing functionality is limited to subject headings and content; it would be nice if you could try using the sender and shipping time as well.


My Point Of You Most of people run behind types of fake promising methods and software. They purchase those products and software and in the end, they don’t get any quick results…after that, they buy another fake promising product, and the results are nothing. So friends don’t fail again in online marketing.

If you want to Getresponse is recommended for you or anyone. Opportunity for making successful marketers tips and tricks. Thanks for reading my Getresponse Review and best of luck.