review using EdTech

The Gamification of learning is an educational approach to motivate students to learn by using video game design and game elements in learning environments.

The goal is to enhance engagement and enjoyment through capturing the interest of learners and inspiring them to have fun all while maximizing their learning.

The effective Use of Technology in Education has changed the face of education and it has

created more educational opportunities.

Both teachers and students have benefited from various educational technologies, teachers have learned how to integrate technology in their classrooms and students are getting more skilled at learning with technology.

The continued advancement and availability of tech tools has opened the door to studying/reviewing while using Educational Technology.

The use of technology in education has removed educational boundaries, both students and teachers can now collaborate in real time using advanced educational technologies. This page hopes to provide actionable resources for students and educators alike.


District Administrator for Instructional Technology

Deer Park Public Schools

(631) 274-4380