Revelation 22  A Special Message

Revelation 22 Special Note

A Special Message

Mediation of Arab/Israel conflict: Concealed Reality

Israel says to “the Palestinian”:  We will negotiate with you. We will negotiate how you will accommodate the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, the Messiah of the Torah.  

When he comes, all the land enclosed in the footsteps of Abraham, from the East Bank of the Jordan River to the West Bank, to the sea, from Mt. Hermon to the Nile River will be revealed to be The Holy Land of Israel.  There will be no dispute.  

Now, we must prepare for his coming in a climate of dispute. Now we defend the Land by legal and militarily means. Then all nations will submit to the word of the Ruler and Messiah of Israel without the firing of one shot, without the arguing of one case of law. And all nations will prosper. 

Now, we, Israel, accommodate you, "the Palestinian", as best we can. You may insist on a self-governing autonomous nation situated on the Land that G-d gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but if you insist on this now you will repent of having insisted on this when Mashiach rules from Jerusalem. For he himself will rule Israel in peace and in the manifest glory of the One God, the Creator of all things. He will rule in the whole Land of Israel, and the nations shall rule in thankfulness and joy in their own lands, ruling freely in obedience to him.  

The one who fell from heaven, who was the ruler of lies and the prince of the evil inclination will be removed from the world, so that nothing will remain for the children of Adam to prevent them from overcoming their own evil inclination. For this purpose Mashiach shall rule from Jerusalem over all nations, until all but small number of people succeed in preparing for the Divine re-engineering of this universe, when all things are made new by the work of G-d in His Mashiach. 

Therefore, in preparing for Mashiach and his era of rulership upon the earth we, the nation of Israel, must now defend Jerusalem and the Land by what means we are able. In this way, all eyes are turned upon us.  The eyes of the nations are fixed against us, because they use you, "the Palestinians", to set up a false charge against God, against His Torah and His Messiah, saying that in taking from the Canaanites and Philistines and now from you "the Palestinians", their homes and lands God is unjust and His Torah is unjust and His Messiah surely could not be the executor of such injustice!  The Judge of all the world is not unjust. 

What is God's purpose in giving the Land He promised to Abraham to the nation of Israel, taking away the rights of all others to that Land? By laying claim to Israel, one corporate branch of Humanity, for the purpose of the corporate redemption of Humanity, God mitigated the sentence of death which had fallen upon all Humanity. He decreed a corporate sentence of mercy as the sentence in which He announced the justice that would be carried out upon Adam. And He gave to Israel a Land to be a Witness Stand upon which to declare the good news of this corporate mercy and justice toward Humanity.

You “Palestinians” also play a role in this. You are key players in the world's preparation for Mashiach's coming. You have been used as a false testimony against God, but you can repent and refuse to be used as false witnesses.  For if only you would be obedient to Mashiach even now, you would seek to build up the Jordanians, the Egyptians and others as worthy neighbours to the Messianic Torah-Israel that is to come. And if you were to do this, we would support you and bless you many times over in all your efforts and endeavours.  

But if you prove unworthy of Mashiach, you serve, nevertheless, as did Pharaoh, as the immediate representative of the opponents of the One True G-d, who oppose His purpose of revealing Himself to the nations in truth through the salvation of Israel in the Land of Israel. For it is in defeating the rebellion of the nations against Him that the true G-d will reveal Himself. He will reveal Himself in truth that He might show Himself to be the God of mercy and compassion toward all. Israel shall stand with her Messiah in her Land and God shall be revealed. For the knowledge of HaShem, the God of Israel, shall fill the earth as now the waters fill the seas.