Welcome to the portal to the works of
Michael Harvey Koplitz
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Ministry
Ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church
Ordained Messianic Rabbi in the WMEK Messianic Jewish Association
Overseer of Followers of the Way Ministry
God does not change. Rather, our knowledge and understanding of God changes. (Michael H. Koplitz 10/2023)
If I provoked you to think about what I said or wrote then I am performing my calling from the LORD. (Michael H. Koplitz 05/2024)
Studying the Bible is great only if it leads to practicing its lessons.(Michael H. Koplitz 09/24/2024)
If the Bible is like the ocean and your study is like dipping a paintbrush into that ocean and pulling out a drop, then you should realize that Bible study never ends. (Michael H. Koplitz 9/24/2024)
Click here for the Education & Research Library. This site contains ALL the research of Rabbi Rev. Dr. Michael H. Koplitz. Mike wants to share his research on the original meaning of Scripture all followers and seekers of the God Israel and Jesus Christ.
Click here for Mike's Worship Architecture, designs, sermons, and a lot more that can be used in any church or messianic synagogue.
Click here for the Learning Institute for Biblical Culture. The Institute has many video class on several books of the Bible. There is no cost to take the courses.
Click here for FOTW's Shorter Bible Lessons for you. The slides and information are ready to be used.
Current research projects:
The Gospel of Luke
Torah Parsha Project
Modern Talmud Tales