
Getting Started

This game is a real challenge & tricky to get the hang of.

If you're still confused after Flight School, watch the Autopilot demo to get a feel for the game, then play Target Practice to get used to the controls.

To check basic controls during target practice, tap the star.

To exit to the menu from in the game, tap the door.

How to play

Destroy the enemy as many times as you can as quickly as you can, without losing too many aircraft.

Repair at red helipads (or airstrips), and resupply ammo & armour by picking up crates/presents.

You can see your aircraft's health, armour, ammo, & time remaining in the top left of the game screen.

The green radar at the bottom reveals other aircraft and missiles, shown relative to your position & direction. So, a green dot at the left of the radar means an aircraft or missile is to your left.

HUD Controls

The orange buttons change the camera view. Adjust it further by swiping & pinching the screen.

Tap the door in the top right to return to the menus. The button under it pauses and resumes the game.

In-game, the top right button returns you to the menus. The button under it pauses and resumes the game. The scores are notched up along the top.

Chopper Controls

Gyroscope: Fly forward/back, strafe left/right.

(Or use left joystick if tilt control is switched off).

Right keypad: Fly up & down, or turn left & right.

Black square button: Fire bullets / Throw snowballs.

Red square button: Fire rockets / Magic snowballs.

Plane Controls

Gyroscope: Yaw left/right, & adjust pitch.

(Or use left joystick if tilt control is switched off).

Right stick: Raise/lower engine power.

Black square button: Fire bullets / snowballs / lasers.

Red square button: Drop bombs / coal / viruses.


Touch the star button to check scores during the game.

You can only get high scores at the end of the game.

The kill tally is notched up at the top. Yours are yellow.

A team with x2 enemy kills (white line) gets an epic win.

Only enemies killed by you count towards your frags, but those killed by your ally do count towards wins.


If the game is a little slow on your handset, move the 'Draw' slider towards 'Fast'. If you have a fast handset, move it towards 'More' to see smaller and more distant objects.

Playing on 'New blood' or 'Easy does it' makes you tougher & do more damage. 'Hardcore' and 'Elite' makes your enemies tougher & do you more damage.

You can try a different tilt control angle, or switch to using a joystick, by moving the slider in the bottom right of the Options page.

The other options are pretty self-explanatory. Try them out!

Please note: some options can't be changed while you're in a game!


Both players should use the same version of the game.

There'll be 2 per team, unless either of you selects '1 Enemy'.

The shortest selected game length applies.

Teams are randomly assigned for each new game.