Sciences Po

Date and venue

Date: Thursday 16 May - Friday 17 May 2019

Conference venue: Sciences Po, C.E.R.I, 56 rue Jacob, 75006 Paris.

Lunch venue: Sciences Po, Department of Economics, 28 rue des Saints-Pères, 75007 Paris.

Local map:

Untitled map - Google My Maps


Thursday 16 May 2019

10:30 - 10:55 Registration and coffee

10:55 - 11:00 Opening remarks by Professor Thomas Chaney

11:00 - 12:30 Ellora Derenoncourt (Harvard) "Can you move to opportunity? Evidence from the Great Migration"

12:30 - 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 15:30 Clare Balboni (LSE) "In Harm’s Way? Infrastructure Investments and the Persistence of Coastal Cities"

15:30 - 16:00 Coffee

16:00 - 17:30 Wayne Gao (Yale) "Robust Semiparametric Estimation in Panel Multinomial Choice Models"

19:00 - 21:30 Dinner (by invitation)

Friday 17 May 2019

09:00 - 09:30 Registration and coffee

09:30 - 11:00 Pooya Molavi (MIT) "Macroeconomics with Learning and Misspecification: A General Theory and Applications"

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee

11:30 - 13:00 Weijie Zhong (Columbia) "Optimal Dynamic Information Acquisition"

13:00 - 14:30 Lunch

14:30 - 16:00 (Jose) Ignacio Cuesta (Chicago) "Price Regulation in Credit Markets: A Trade-off between Consumer Protection and Credit Access"

16:00 - 16:30 Coffee

16:30 - 18:00 Sydnee Caldwell (MIT) "Outside Options, Bargaining and Wages: Evidence from Coworker Networks"

18:30... Enjoy Paris in May! (a.k.a. "Ô le joli mois de mai à Paris!")

Local organisers

The Paris stop of the Tour is hosted by the Department of Economics at Sciences Po.

Contact details:

  • Thomas Chaney, Professor of Economics, Sciences Po, Joint Managing Editor, REStud
  • Sandrine Le Goff, Assistant Manager, Department of Economics, Sciences Po