Restud North American Tour 2022

Durham, NC➡️Minneapolis, MN,➡️San Diego, CA

October 17 to 21, 2022

For the second time, the Review of Economic Studies is organizing this year a tour of North American institutions, with the aim of showcasing top job market candidates from European institutions.

This year’s speakers nominated by a committee of Restud board members are Alison Andrew (Oxford), Nicolas Bonneton (Mannheim), Amanda Dahlstrand-Rudin (Microsoft Research New England), Diego Kaenzig (Northwestern), and Noemie Touati (Columbia).

Duke University will host the first leg of this year’s tour, on October 17 2022. The tour will then go on to the University of Minnesota and UCSD.


Alison Andrew

“Revealed Beliefs and the Marriage Market Return to Education”

Nicholas Bonneton

“Non-Stationary Search and Assortative Matching”

Amanda Dahlstrand

"Defying Distance? The Provision of Services in the Digital Age”

Diego Kaenzig

“The Unequal Economic Consequences of Carbon Pricing”

Noemie Pinardon - Touati

"The Crowding Out Effect of Local Government Debt: Micro- and Macro-Estimates”


Duke University

Monday, October 17

Location: Rubenstein Library 153

8:45-9:25: Breakfast

9:25: Opening Remarks

9:30-10:30: Diego Kaenzig (Northwestern): “The Unequal Economic Consequences of Carbon Pricing”

10:30-10:50: Break

10:50-11:50: Alison Andrew (Oxford): “Revealed Beliefs and the Marriage Market Return to Education”

12-1:30: Lunch (Social Sciences 139)

1:30-2:30: Nicolas Bonneton (Mannheim): “Non-Stationary Search and Assortative Matching”

2:30-2:50: Break

2:50-3:50: Amanda Dahlstrand (Microsoft Research): "Defying Distance? The Provision of Services in the Digital Age”

3:50-4:20: Break

4:20-5:20: Noemie Pinardon - Touati (Columbia): "The Crowding Out Effect of Local Government Debt: Micro- and Macro-Estimates”

5:20: Closing Remarks

5:35: Transportation from Duke to Counting House

6:00: Dinner (by invitation) at Counting House, 111 Corcoran St, Durham, NC 27701

Local Organizer: Arnaud Maurel

University of Minnesota

Tuesday, October 18

2:30pm: Visit to the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

90 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55401

5:30pm: Dinner with Minneapolis Fed economists

Location TBA

Wednesday, October 19

Location: University of Minnesota, 301 19th Avenue S, Minneapolis, MN 55455

Cowles Auditorium, Humphrey School of Public Affairs

8:30-9:00: Breakfast

9:00-10:00: Alison Andrew (Oxford): “Revealed Beliefs and the Marriage Market Return to Education”

10:30-11:30: Nicolas Bonneton (Mannheim): “Non-Stationary Search and Assortative Matching”

12:00-1:00: Lunch

1:00-2:00: Amanda Dahlstrand (Microsoft Research): "Defying Distance? The Provision of Services in the Digital Age”

2:30-3:30: Diego Kaenzig (Northwestern): “The Unequal Economic Consequences of Carbon Pricing”

4:00-5:00: Noemie Pinardon - Touati (Columbia): "The Crowding Out Effect of Local Government Debt: Micro- and Macro-Estimates”

5:30: Reception at the Department of Economics, University of Minnesota

7:00: Dinner with University of Minnesota Economists

Thursday, October 20

9:00am: Second visit to the Minneapolis FED

12:00: Lunch with Fed economists

Location TBA

Local Organizer: Manuel Amador

University of California San Diego

Thursday October 20th

6:00pm: Dinner at George’s at the Cove

1250 Prospect St, La Jolla, CA 92037

Friday October 21st

Location: The Village 15th Floor Conference Room 15 A

8:15 – 9:00: Breakfast will be served at The Village 15TH Floor Conference Room (all are welcome)

9:0010:00: Amanda Dahlstrand-Rudin: “Defying Distance? The provision of Services in the Digital Age”

10:00 – 11:00: Noemie Touati: “The Crowding Out Effect of Local Government Debt: Micro-and Macro-Estimates”

11:0011:15: Break

11:15 – 12:15: Diego Kaenzig: “The Unequal Economic Consequences of Carbon Pricing”

12:15 – 2:30: Lunch with Speakers for Grad Students (lunch will be provided for all)

2:303:30: Nicolas Bonneton: “Non-Stationary Search and Assortative Matching”

3:304:30: Alison Andrew: “Revealed Beliefs and the Marriage Market Return to Education”

6:00: Dinner at Gravity Heights: 9920 Pacific Heights Blvd, San Diego, CA 92121