Restored Psychiatry Houston

Psychiatrist Houston TX: 3 Reasons Why They're So Important

The public has never been more dependent on psychiatry. This is despite the fact that there are many reported mental and behavioral health problems. It might be confusing to understand why some people ignore the consequences of neglecting to treat these issues. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide rates among Americans between 35 and 64 years old have increased almost 29 percent since 1999. The European Union has seen two out of every five employees report mental health issues to their employer. There have been a lot of studies and an increase in awareness around the world, which has likely led to more people reporting mental or behavioral health problems.

Psychiatrist Houston TX

Why are people so reluctant to pay for mental health services, as opposed to other forms of medical aid? Your mind is just the same as any other part. What if your leg was broken? Would you turn down modern medical care to ensure it heals properly? Most people end up visiting their doctor, hospital, or both. They have to set the bone, wrap it in a cast, and then, after some time, may need physical therapy.

Psychiatrists Houston TX

Even though mental or behavioral problems might not be as visible as a broken bone in the physical world, the reality remains: it is essential that mental and behavioral health issues are treated as any other medical condition. Modern science and medical innovations DO work. Over the past decade, they have provided significant results for thousands to hundreds of thousands of patients.

Let's take a look at several reasons why it's important that you invest in psychiatry.


Although each patient's situation with mental illness is different and maybe more or less severe, they can usually see results within a few days, weeks, or even months. Modern medicine has dramatically increased the success rate for patients who are prescribed psychiatric medications or other forms of psychotherapy. It's well worth the investment in treatment.


It is not enough to treat the mental or behavioral health symptoms. We also have the ability to address one's overall well-being, including eating right and avoiding basic medical conditions. It is a holistic program that addresses all the individual needs of patients when they invest in modern psychiatric care.


Our modern view of psychiatry emphasizes the use of a variety of mental and behavioral health professionals. We know that not all cases can be treated the same way and that each situation is unique. Each individual is treated by a team of mental health professionals, including psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, and therapists. Our mental and behavioral healthcare professionals have been trained to keep up with industry changes and provide better service for our patients and their families.

Your mental and behavioral well-being is our highest priority at Restored Psychiatry Houston TX . An investment in your mental health can be as important as any other problem with your body.

Psychiatrist Houston

How to Choose Your Therapist: Expert Qualifications and What They Really Mean

Many psychiatrists and doctors don't understand the role that nutrient deficiencies or toxicities play in depression. It is not uncommon for doctors to take a holistic approach in medicine. Although many still believe depression is a matter of your mind, a growing number of doctors across all specialties recognize the importance of proper nutrition for brain function.

Your family physician may be open to holistic medicine if they have a good understanding of your medical history and a strong relationship with you. Your doctor might be aware of the many benefits of herbal medicine or other natural medicines and be open to exploring these options. He or she may also know practitioners-psychiatrists, naturopaths or others-who can conduct the detailed testing needed to find the nutritional deficiencies or toxicities that may be contributing to your depression.

It is important to remember that not all conventionally trained doctors can be experts in nutrition. Unfortunately, there are some who have taken the leap. A psychiatrist is a doctor who has completed additional training through a three- or four-year residency program. He or she is trained in diagnosing and treating mental and emotional illnesses, psychotherapy, the biological aspects of mind, emotions, and psychiatric conditions. The trend for psychiatrists is to prescribe medication and treat more severe problems.

Psychotherapists and psychologists are the ones who most often provide therapy. They are well-versed in depression signs and symptoms and can refer patients to psychologists. Although some therapists are familiar with nutritional approaches, they cannot prescribe nutritional supplements. Ortho-molecular psychiatrists can prescribe nutritional supplements. They are trained to understand chemical imbalances and medical conditions that may be involved in treating mental illness. Alternative treatment for depression may not require a psychiatrist. Any ortho-molecular doctor, whether a doctor or osteopath, can diagnose and treat any imbalance.

There are many different types of nutritionists. Each one should be evaluated based on their skills and the recommendations of others. Many have great relationships with nutritionists and can refer back and forth freely. Like nutritionists and herbalists, their qualifications and expertise can vary. They have a more traditional background, originating from traditional folk medicine.

The healing process depends on the relationship between the healer and the subject. You can trust your intuition in how you work with others and where they take you. Good doctors are open to your ideas and willing to share their experiences during healing. Your doctor is your resource and expert in mental and medical health information. You are the expert on how you feel. Respect each other's roles in this relationship and do your part.