What does the Bible say about Restoration? - Top Scripture QuotesRestoration in the Bible is synonymous with healing, repairing, returning to a previous state of being. Psalm 51:12 says "Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit." Although we may stray from steadfast faith and obedience, there are numerous Bible verses about restoration we can look to for inspiration for renewal in our lives.Restoration is a recurring theme in scripture as those who strayed from the teachings and love of God sought to restore their divine relationship with Him. Further occurrences of repairing what had decayed included personal relationships, fortunes, and health. Download a free PDF of Inspirational Bible Verses to remember God's Word in your daily life!

Today we are finishing our brief study of the book of Job as we consider Job's response to the Lord's revelation of Himself and God's evaluation of His servant. Though Job has not been perfect, at times impatiently demanding that the Creator explain the reasons for his suffering (Job 13), he has also persevered in faith. Even though he knew he was innocent of specific sin that deserved punitive discipline, he did not waver in his confidence that God was righteous. He knew that God would show Himself just and vindicate His servant, thus maintaining an overall correct view of the Lord's character (19:25-27; 31).

Restoration Study Bible Download

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Sometimes restoration comes to us in this lifetime, but sometimes it awaits the age to come. In truth, all of God's faithful servants will be finally vindicated and restored, and that is what we all long for with great hope. Even if we experience it in part now, we will receive it in its fullness only in the age to come. Let us thank God for the surety of this restoration and continue believing that He will be faithful to keep all of His promises to His people.

Personal hand and study Bibles are the most common book we repair. Some have sewn bindings, but most Bibles now have a glued (perfect) binding. It is likely that your Bible will need a new genuine leather custom cover and binding work.

Most Latter-day Saints are not theologians. Most of us do not engage in the study of other faiths or the history of Christianity. It is rare for members of the Church to read books about Christian theology. We do not require our local and general leaders to go to divinity school to master religious scholarship. We study the scriptures, but do not often pursue scholarly commentaries written about those scriptures. Most of us do not know the logic, conclusions, or language of religious scholars. Their jargon such as ontology, hermeneutics, exegesis, or eschatology is foreign to us.

We appropriately invest our time and efforts in developing a love of God and following His plan for us. This course matters far more than our knowledge of philosophy and theology. In place of studying the conclusions of religious scholars or theologians through history, we turn to the inspired counsel of modern day prophets and apostles who speak on behalf of the Lord.

Because a deep study of theology is not our focus, we may not have the framework or vocabulary to have a discussion about theological differences with those not of our faith. We may feel insecure about understanding or addressing the basis for our different beliefs. We might not feel adequately prepared to represent our doctrine to other Christians in a way that will make sense to them.

We could study dozens of passages in the Bible. We could study volumes of commentary. But the simple truth is that the modern doctrine of the Trinity is not biblical. Brother Robinson has expressed it directly (1991):

Metzger, B. M. (1964). The text of the New Testament: Its transmission, corruption, and restoration. New York: Oxford University Press. [This is the classic book on textual criticism. For a discussion of the Johannine Comma, see pp. 62, 101.]

I wrote a sequel, Do We Teach Another Gospel? which asks whether our insistence on damning those who disagree on this or that topic is a false gospel. Based on a study of Galatians, I also attempt to lay the groundwork for a healthier hermeneutic. (All these and other of my books may be downloaded for free here.)

Taking a look at the setting, form, and content of I and II Chronicles, J. G. McConville describes how these two often neglected books present God's purpose for his people at a crucial time in their history--the period of restoration after the Exile.

Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay's New Testament series, The Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, The Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today. ff782bc1db

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