Restaurant Management System is a PHP/MySQLi project that manages a certain restaurant food ordering and reservation system. This system was developed mainly to provide certain restaurant customers an online ordering, table reservation, and hall reservation transactions. The restaurant management system has its own admin side or admin panel where can restaurant management or the system administrator can manage and maintain the dynamic data of their website and also manage the orders and reservations of their customers.

This Restaurant Management System Source Code was originally submitted to this website on November 28, 2017, and it was written in PHP/MySQL. And as of now, December 8, 2020, this system source code is upgraded to PHP/MySQLi so that the error that may occur due to the higher PHP versions changes will be lessened because some of the script used in this project was deprecated or removed to the higher versions of PHP.

Restaurant Management System Project In Php With Source Code Free Download

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The Online Restaurant Management System In PHP is a simple project developed using PHP, JavaScript, and CSS. The project contains an admin(manager) and the user(customer) side. All the management like editing site contents, updating food items, adding food categories, and checking orders can be managed from the admin side.

For the user section, the users can go through the homepage, about, and contact pages. In order to order the food items, the user has to create an account and sign in or log in. This project makes a convenient way for customers to buy/purchase food online, without having to go to the restaurant.

To run this project, you must have installed a virtual server i.e XAMPP on your PC (for Windows). This Online Restaurant Management System in PHP with source code is free to download, Use for educational purposes only!

Got stuck or need help customizing Online Food Order System as per your need, go to our PHP tutorial or just comment down below and we will do our best to answer your question ASAP.

if i change the filename(retrogirls to some other file name like hotel) and also the navbar code in chunks folder, the login and register button is not responding .How to make it work.please replyyyyyyyyy

This is PHP Project on Simple "Restaurant Management System", which has been developed in PHP script jQuery and Bootstrap 4 library. The main objective of this system is overcome the problem of current managing table booked and order or billing manual system of the Restaurant, and convert that system into simple and full proofed process by this PHP Restauant Management System. Currently, we have see in restaurant when we have go to restaurant then waiter has come and take order and waiter has write order in diary and then after it will tell order to cooked manually and at the time of creating bill then again waiter go to cashier counter and again tell customer order detail manually, so by using this system Waiter will directly store customer order details and under this system and when customer go to cashier counter his bill with ready with all their food item this.

This PHP project we have build for educational purpose, so new programmer can learn how to developed any web based application. With this post you will find the complete source code of this system and you can also get the link of Live demo of Restaurant Management System. This Restaurant Management System is an Open Source system which you can download from this post under zip format and you can check complete source code in you local computer. So you can modified code and learn how to build PHP based web application or developed web development application. You can even use the Source code in you academic projects of your final year project.

Before start using this Restaurant Management System, first you have to create database of system. So for create database of this system you have to create new database in your local phpmyadmin and then after run following sql script. So it will make required table for this Restaurant Management system and user can check source in your local computer.

So before using source code in your local computer first you have to set up database in your local phpmyadmin and then after you can run this PHP Restaurant Management System in your local computer and you can check the whole feature of this Restuarant Management System. But before check this system in your local computer first you have to check the demo of this system. So you can understand the functionality of this system and then after you can check this system in your local computer. With this post you can find demo link of this Restaurant Management System and when you login into demo link Restaurant Management System you can find source code download link. So from demo you can find the complete source code of this Restaurant Management System in PHP.

You must acquire many skills to be adept in SQL, like manipulating SQL tables, indexes, databases, and the visual studio. Practicing more SQL projects can assist you to acquire multiple skills required to use this programming language professionally. Let us take a look at a few of the features of SQL that employers look for:

SQL allows clients to understand the knowledge bases, which comprise the information fields in the relational databases. We should take any huge company owning loads of information, for example. Information bases combine and accumulate every piece of information, yet the data must be critical and available. SQL comes to your aid here, it turns into a stage linked to both back-end and front-end information bases (PCs and information bases hung on workers).

The concept behind this project is to create a library management system that is capable to issue books and let consumers check different books and their titles categorically. It keeps track of all the details about the books in the library, their price, status, and the total number of books available in the Library. The user will find this automated system easy instead of using the manual writing system.

This project is very popular as e-commerce is heavily expanding with every passing day. Additionally, anyone opting for this project should keep in mind that it is all about building an internet-based application that permits customers to sign up and buy items online.

In a nutshell, this project idea aims to handle understocking and overstocking as both scenarios are unhealthy concerning businesses. In other words, Inventory Control Management has a huge role to play in retaining inventory at an optimum level.

Have you ever considered constructing a web-based software that will manage each functioning activity of a bank before? If not, this is a unique project idea for you as a novice. Furthermore, it helps in the standardization of records of patients, doctors, and hospital rooms.

Novices making use of the SQL language to create this project will have to place every activity related to traveling by train into consideration. For example, some of these activities are booking information of passengers, train schedules, rail routes, and many more.

The project idea is about creating a web-based application that backs environmental conservation. Additionally, the result this software delivers in helping this is by calculating the carbon footprint of each building.

The notion is to design a dynamic application named LabView for adjusting each operating parameter of robots, which is dependent on conditions that are dissimilar. Also, data should be accumulated in a way to enable the easy accessibility of the program for efficient communication.

The SQL skill needed for this project is Database indexing. The cooking recipe database project idea is an intermediate-level SQL project that you can opt for. You can choose to design the web portal to portray your recipes under different categories. You can input details like the last viewed recipe, a recipe of the day, and a recipe blog with the help of HTML or RichText. Furthermore, you can incorporate a rating functionality that lets users rate recipes and leave comments.

Restaurants with the help of their website pages initiate their delivery services online, extending the food facility they offer in their physical places. Also, these restaurants also welcome orders via phone calls and use delivery boys to deliver all the orders. The delivery boys will just deliver orders to a certain area code provided to them and they cannot deliver beyond that area. The notion is not to dump the records of the last customers as premium customers are maintained via discounts.

The concept in this project revolves around retaining the details about stock and each detail of buyers from which managers have to buy stock. Additionally, the information of the customer is also not left out here. All payment records be it paid or pending and monthly profit calculations are also taken into consideration when constructing this particular project.

You can design an E-R Diagram for an Art Gallery. Gallery maintains the details related to the artist, their name, birthplace, age, and style of art. Also, the details of the artwork, the year it was created, unique title, kind of art, and prices can also be stored.

When private electric businesses are in frantic need of a unique database, this project idea comes in handy at the right time. In other words, this project idea for SQL is of great significance owing to its high demand in electrical industries. This project contains two sections, one being the client section and the other admin section. The admin has a vital role to play in all of the management of the Electricity Billing System.

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