About RSP

RSP is the Resource Specialist Program, an education plan for students with mild to moderate learning disabilities. It is designed to assist such students in assessing the general education curriculum according to their individualized plans with accommodations and modifications where applicable.


Part of our work as RSP teachers is to assess the learning disabilities in children and to create goals to help the students learn and achieve the goals. As RSP teachers, we consult and collaborate with the regular classroom teachers in assessing how our students can best be helped.


A significant goal of the Resource Specialist Program is to assist students in meeting grade-level standards and finally integrated into the general education classroom with their general education peers.

We are dynamic and can adjust to meet our students' needs as we determine the course of action that is most advantageous to assist them to learn, understand, and transfer the knowledge to other academic situations.


To achieve our goals, we provide our students with a non-threatening, anxiety/stress-free, and a safe environment that promotes the highest educational ideals.