Nurse Driven Order Sets

Barto, D. (2019). Nurse-driven protocols. Nursing Critical Care, 14(4), 18–24. 

This article explains the benefits of nurse-driven protocols.  It is a valuable resource that explains the steps of creating a nurse-driven protocol.  This is important because many institutions utilize these protocols for heparin infusions.

Davis, K. W., McMilan, M. A., Perkins, J., Beavan, H. R., & Corum, M. (2016). Comparison of outcomes: Nurse-driven vs. physician-driven weight-based intravenous heparin protocol. Medsurg Nursing, 25(6), 385–391.

This article supports the medical benefits for the patient when using a nurse-driven protocol versus a physician-driven protocol for heparin infusions.  This resource provides evidence that nurse-driven protocols can result in prolonged therapeutic heparin levels.  This reduces the amount of time the patient remains sub-therapeutic and at higher risk of adverse events.

Johnson, C., Miltner, R., & Wilson, M. (2018). Increasing nurse-driven heparin infusion administration safety: A quality improvement initiative. Medsurg Nursing, Jul/Aug, 243–246.

This article shows that even with nurse-driven protocols in place, there is still room for improvement.  The usefulness of this article is that if nurse-driven protocols are not properly adhered to, errors can happen.  It is important to be vigilant.

Schurr, J. W., Stevens, C. A., Bane, A., Luppi, C., Culbreth, S. E., Miller, A., Connors, J. M., & Sylvester, K. W. (2018). Description and evaluation of the implementation of a weight-based, nurse-driven heparin nomogram in a tertiary academic medical center. Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 24(2), 248–253. 

This article discusses the hospital implementation process of a nurse-driven protocol for heparin infusions. Its importance is significant because it outlines what is needed to successfully launch a new program. It also proves that it can be done with other facility changes without detriment to the patient.