The name of this association shall be the Ladies Golf Association of The Golf Club at The Resort, hereafter referred to as The Resort LGA.




The purpose of The Resort LGA is to promote and enhance the game of golf among the members of the Association. The Resort LGA will also work to encourage enjoyment of competitive play and provide fellowship among its members.




Section I.        The Resort LGA has both golf and social memberships.


Section 2.       Full golf membership is open to all adult women members of The Golf Club at The Resort. There is no precondition for membership.


Section 3.       Social memberships are open to adult women whose spouses are members of The Golf Club at The Resort and who desire to participate and attend the social functions of The Resort LGA.


Section 4.       The amount of dues is will be determined annually upon recommendation of the LGA’s Board of Directors and approved by the majority vote of the membership in attendance at the annual meeting. Dues for golf and social members will be the same.




Section 1.       The affairs of The Resort LGA shall be vested in a Board of Directors. The Directors will consist of the following President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer and three Coordinators to oversee social activities, play days and tournaments of The Resort LGA.


Section 2.       The Board of Director shall be chosen by a vote of the majority of the members present at the association’s annual meeting. Proxy voting will not be permitted. An elected officer may service consecutive terms of the same office upon a majority vote of members present at the Association’s annual meeting.


Section 3.       All board members will serve a one (1) year term beginning in January.







Section 1.       The President shall preside at all general meetings of The Resort LGA, all meetings of the Executive Board and all called or special meetings. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and shall appoint standing committees.


Section 2.       The Vice President shall act as an assistant to the President, performing said duties of the Presidency in the absence of disability of the President. The Vice President shall also have the responsibility of welcoming and recruiting new members. She will be in contact with the General Manager of the Club to obtain names of new members and send them letters of welcome. She shall schedule and be responsible for the Membership Coffee/Luncheon.


Section 3.       The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee with a copy to the President and the other Board Members. Copies of the minutes will be mailed electronically to the membership. The Secretary shall handle all correspondence of the Association as directed by the President. The Secretary shall prepare a yearly handbook to be distributed to the membership of the Resort LGA. She will maintain a complete list of members and their contact information.


Section 4.       The Treasurer shall arrange for a check authorization at a local bank; shall collect yearly fees and dues and verify and maintain an updated list of members in good standing; disperse monies as directed by the Executive Board and approved by the membership. She shall present an accurate report at each general meeting and Executive Board meetings. She will advise the Secretary of new members as they join The Resort LGA.


Section 5.       The Social Events Coordinator shall work with the Management Team of the Golf Club at the Resort on Eagle Mountain Lake to coordinate events with the Club calendar; shall plan events and socials during the year for the membership of The Resort LGA and shall present the plans and schedule to the Executive Board.


Section 6.       The Weekly Events Coordinator shall be responsible for arranging tee times with the Pro Shop and changing the tee times as weather and seasons dictate. She shall be responsible for cancelling or postponing weekly events and shall present this schedule to the Executive Board. On LGA play days, she checks in each player, manages the chip-in pot and provides a sign-up sheet for the following week’s play day.


Section 7.       The Tournament Coordinator shall work closely with the Pro Shop, Social Events Coordinator and Weekly Events Coordinator to schedule special days of play. The Tournament Coordinator shall also work with the other local LGA to arrange guest days and invitationals. The Tournament Coordinator will publicize The Resort LGA members tournaments sponsored by other local LGAs. The Tournament Coordinator will work with the Resort Management Team to determine in what ways the Resort LGA can be of support to Resort sponsored tournaments.


Section 8.       The Coordinator of the Nine Hole Ladies League shall work closely with the Weekly Events Coordinator and Pro Shop to schedule tee times that follow the tee times of the eighteen hole lady golfers. She shall assist with the posting of scores. She shall also work closely with the other women who choose to play nine holes. The Nine Hole Coordinator may also form a committee to assist her with the Nine Hole League. The Coordinator of the Nine Hole League will work closely with the LGA Vice President to plan events that encourage new membership in the Resort LGA.




Section 1.       The Board of Directors will meet monthly. All members of The LGA at the Resort may attend those meetings.


Section 2.       An annual meeting will be held between October 1st and December 31st. Notice will be given at least 30 days prior to the meetings.


Section 3.       Special meetings of the membership may be called by the Board of Directors. Two weeks’ notice will be given to the members.


Section 4.       Minutes will be taken at all meetings of the Board of Directors, annual meetings, and any special meeting, and minutes will be made available within one week of the meeting. Minutes will be electronically communicated to the membership.




Committees and/or chairpersons shall be appointed by the Board of Directors as needed.




The Board shall appoint a Nominating Committee. This committee will be charged with presenting the slate of officers at the Annual Meeting. Names of candidates must be posted at least 30 days prior to the election at the annual meeting.


At the annual meeting, additional nominations will be accepted from the floor and a vote will be taken for a new slate of officers.




Section 1.       Any change to the bylaws requires a simple majority of those in attendance at the Annual meeting or a special meeting. Proposed amendments shall be published to the membership at least 30 days prior to the vote.


Section 2.       Amendments may be proposed in writing by the Board of Directors or by four members of The Resort LGA.



REVISED December 8, 2016

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