Reservation 2 Capstone Group 5

Ryan Kafka, Brandon Bunn, Dina Levieva, Alyn Ovell, Olivia Venuti 


Our Goal 

This application development project encompasses two critical aspects for CCSE (College of Computing and Software Engineering). First, it aims to create a reservation system for faculty and staff to book various physical spaces, including faculty hoteling areas, conference rooms, and specialized classrooms within the Atrium and Norton buildings at the Marietta campus. Additionally, it seeks to establish a system for faculty and students to reserve and borrow equipment from the college's inventory, such as laptops, desktops, and technical lab equipment. The goal of this project is to create a unified application for both of these reservation types. It is hosted in the CCSE Data Center on a Windows server, with the login based on the collage’s NetID system. 

The project itself is a webapp comprised of a database in MySQL to track the inventory, spaces, reservation requests for each, and users, a backend written in C# ASP.NET Core to communicate between the database and frontend, and lastly a frontend client site written in JavaScript with the Vue framework. The backend will provide a layer of security between the frontend and the database by ensuring any queries are parameterized and verified before being sent to the database. This added security will also extend to the implementation of the NetID system, by using JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) to access authenticated routes (Nick Chapsas, 2023). The team completing this task is a group of 5 IT students undertaking the project as part of a capstone course, and the languages and software stack used were up to the discretion of this team. These specific languages were chosen based primarily on each of the team members’ prior experience as well as some research into potential webapp stacks such as those provided in Visual Studio (Microsoft, 2023). 



Our Team Members

Ryan Kafka

Team Lead, Front end Development 

-My name is Ryan Kafka. I'm majoring in IT with a concentration in mobile & web. Primarily focus on full-stack web development with Node.js. Specific interest in the Vue framework, Electron apps, browser extensions, and worker processes (i.e. chatbots). I've also done some small community management/developer advocate-type stuff, relaying/compiling info from users to devs

Brandon Bunn

Backend development, Database Development 

My name is Brandon Bunn. I'm majoring in IT with a concentration in Cybersecurity at Kennesaw State University.  I'm Currestly working part time as an IT Associate at ANCH.

Dina Levieva

Backend development

Hi! My name is Dina and I'm a senior at KSU. My major is Information Technology with a concentration in cybersecurity. After I graduate in December, I plan on finding an entry level IT job and work my way up from there! 

Alyn Ovell

Database Development 

I’m a senior and My major is IT with a concentration in business enterprise. Throughout my college career I have worked on multiple projects dealing with coding, database management, and project management. For the project my responsibilities include database research, structure, and programming. 

Olivia Venuti

Front end Development 

My name is Olivia Venuti. I am majoring in Information Technologies. My goal is to become a database administrator. I am married with four children and went back to school to make more money for my family. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family and playing video games with my husband. My dream is to be able to travel more in my later years.