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Essay Writing - Tips to Help You Write a Journal Essay

Essay Writing - Tips to Help You Write a Journal Essay

Creating a Journal Essay is perhaps the most difficult work to write a school essay. Many students do not know how to compose an essay, nor do they have any idea what will be required of them in creating a piece of writing worthy of the honors. Since many of these students will end up reading this essay in class, it is important to select essays that will stand out and relate to the class learning objectives. These are the Essay Writing Journal Essay suggestions.

1. Organize Your Writing by Category: Organize your thoughts and ideas by subject matter, category, section, or topic. For example, if you are going to write about economics, it will be better to organize by category, like, economics, economics topics, political science, or whatever. This will help you to sort out thoughts and ideas by time, year, and educational background, and keep the same theme consistent in all the pieces of writing.

2. Do Not try to plagiarize if you can help it! If you are unable to get through the assignment on your own without copying somebody else's ideas and words, do not write a journal essay. Choose subjects that are already accepted in the subject field. If the topic is too obscure or difficult, or does not have enough teaching purpose, a teacher or other school personnel may veto your request to write about it.

When you have to use somebody else's writing, it is a good idea to make an analysis of the differences between the writer's language and the writer's writing style. This analysis will make it easier for you to choose the same writer's voice. Thus, you may rewrite, and even polish, a piece of writing. Because this could hurt the teacher's reputation or make it look like you did not try to correct a faulty lesson, it is better to use someone else's ideas and vocabulary in this way. The last thing a teacher would want is a student plagiarizing.

It is also a good idea to use other's work as the basis for your own essay. For example, if you were reviewing your college history class, you may look at the entire course and learn a lot about the various teachers, clubs, and programs of the class. You may even have fun doing this. However, if the course comes with no notes, and only you have typed and handwritten your assignments, this is not so bad.

It is not a good idea to use someone else's ideas and words if you are not able to pull the ideas and words from a notebook. If you can't pull ideas from your notebook, look for at least three or four good phrases and say them as accurately as you can, without changing the words, in the beginning of your essay. Also, you may save a great deal of time by creating the outline of your essay before you begin to write. This gives you the opportunity to correct mistakes and still write the essay with a finished outline.

Writing a Journal Essay is a great addition to any subject. It is important to remember that the primary purpose of writing a journal essay is to get you more involved in the course, and it may make your studies more enjoyable.