An Essay That Made Me a Writer

An Essay That Made Me a Writer

An Essay That Made Me a Writer

An essay an experience that made me a writer will likely be the very first thought that comes to your mind. But why is that an experience that made you a writer? It's because the only person who can answer that question is the writer himself.

Perhaps you will never think of that experience as an experience that made you a writer. In fact, that could be a very bad thing. You will never be able to do anything as good as that experienced writer is able to.

What is an experience? It is an experience when the person who is doing the experience gets an intense sense of satisfaction. The writer, however, may find the very same feelings in writing.

The writer's experience is something that could never be compared to a first-hand experience. So much of the success of a writer lies in the writing itself, and nothing could replace that experience than writing.

Why do I say this? The difference between a writer of prose is simply the fact that the writer has never quit his or her day job. It is only the writer, who is able to pursue the writing that never stops.

If you are a writer and you are trying to maintain a day job, it is a very good thing to do. If you are a writer who continues to work for a living, it is almost a necessity.

But if you are not a writer, then a great deal of the success of a writer lies in the fact that he or she has made the decision not to quit his or her day job. That is the only real thing that could make a difference. If you do not choose to be a writer, then nothing else matters. A writer can write, but only a writer makes it to the level of being a living writer.