About Us

The English 4800 Capstone class is researching Judith Ortiz Cofer as part of the class requirements. This project is intended to assist us and others who find they have a love for JOC literature and want to know more about who she is and what she accomplished through her life. 


The class is led by Dr. Seretha Williams, Chair of the English and World Languages department at Augusta University. 

Special thanks to Maranda Christy, Reese Library Special Collections Library Assistant, and Melissa Johnson, Director of Reese Library for their expertise and assistance. We also thank Mazie Bowen and Jan Levinson of UGA's Hargrett Library for supporting this project in its early stages.

Meet the team

The class consists of ambitious students with a thirst for knowledge and a desire to help other people acquire that knowledge. 

Spring  2023 

Kaysha Adamo, Dane Doughty, Khrystopher Ford, Aaron Hayes, Emiley Johnson, Caitlyn Key, Elana Koehler, Kellie Lange, Elizabeth Langford, Caleb Robertson, Zaenab Sanadiki, Jessica Steadman, Che Westbook

Spring 2022

Cara Brown, Alexis Diaz-Infante, Andrei Gadia, Matthew Gunter, Odessa Hinton, Ellie Polhill, Marindi Smith