
Cavendish Research Day 2018

Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Cambridge

12 January 2018

Click here for the full timetable.

Click here for abstract book.

The event aims to showcase the research of the Cavendish Laboratory and promote collaborations within the Laboratory, within the University and the wider Cambridge research community.

The day will begin with a talk on Gravitational Waves: A New Tool to Study the Cosmos, from Prof Sheila Rowan from the Institute of Gravitational Research, University of Glasgow.

There will be talks and posters about research from across the Laboratory, broadly grouped around the Department's Strategic Research Aims.

After lunch there will be a panel discussion on 'The Future of Science Policy and Research Funding'. Panel members include current and former Members of Parliament, the University's Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research, and representatives from industry and the UK research councils. For more details see here.

The day will finish with a Cavendish Happy Hour, a popular monthly Cavendish event that brings together people from all sections of the Laboratory.


08:45-09:15 - Registration and coffee

09:15-09:30 - Welcome, Prof Andy Parker, Head of Department, Cavendish Strategic Research Themes

09:30-10:30 - Plenary Session: Prof Sheila Rowan MBE, Director of the Institute for Gravitational Research, University of Glasgow, "Gravitational Waves: A New Tool to Study the Cosmos"

10:30-11:00 - Coffee break and Poster Session 1

11:00-12:15 - Research group presentations

12:15-13:30 - Lunch

13:30-15:00 - Panel discussion: The Future of Science Policy and Research Funding

15:00-15:30 - Tea break and Poster Session 2

15:30-16:45 - Research group presentations

16:45-18:00 - Cavendish Happy Hour, and prize giving for the best presentation and best poster