Republic of NZRE


On February 25, 2022, the NZRE Parliament officially invoked Article V, Section IV of the Constitution, declaring the Republic of NZRE dormant for the time being. All government branches and agencies have ceased to function, and all citizens except the incumbent Chancellors have been revoked of their citizenship and government positions.

Welcome to NZRE!

The Republic of NZRE (pronounced nə-ZUR) is a very small, peaceful micronation that currently has 6 inhabited pieces of land located in Alameda County, California. NZRE has no desire to be recognized by any large nation as of now, but the micronation has plans to evolve in the future. NZRE has all the essentials for a country; government, territory, population, and foreign relations with other micronations. To obtain citizenship, there is no fee, however there is a short application.

Government Services and Information

Find answers to all your questions about the Republic of NZRE.

Learn about becoming a citizen of NZRE and the rights that come with it.

Get information on voting and elections, file a complaint, and research laws.

Find information on the many government agencies and what they do.

Additional Resources