Republicanism & Labor Justice

Workshop - October 14 & 15, 2022 - Barcelona

October 14, Universitat de Barcelona

Seminari de Filosofia (Montalegre, 6-8)

9.45h. Opening remarks

10h. Cynthia Estlund (NYU) and Alan Bogg (Bristol), “Democratic Contestation Rights for the Workplace As It Is.” Comments by Roberto Gargarella (Di Tella)

11.15h. Coffee break

11.45h. Philip Pettit (ANU & Princeton), “Entry, Voice and Exit: The Case of the Workplace.” Comment by Iñigo González-Ricoy (UB)

13h. Lunch break

14.30h. Dorothea Gädeke (Utrecht), “Wageless Work. A Conceptual Challenge for Republican Accounts of Labour Justice.” Comment by Jahel Queralt (UPF)

15.45h. Coffee break

16.15h. Stuart White (Oxford), “Must Republicans be Socialists?” Comment by Tom O'Shea (Edinburgh)

October 15, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Sala Albert Calsamiglia (Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27)

10h. Rebecca Zahn (Strathclyde) and David Cabrelli (Edinburgh), “Non-Domination in Civic Republican Political Theory and the Role of the Contract of Employment.” Comment by Pablo Scotto (UB)

11.15h. Coffee break

11.45h. Lillian Cicerchia (Freie Berlin), “Pluralism Against Liberalism.” Comment by José Luis Martí (UPF)

13h Lunch break

14.30h. Nicholas Vrousalis (Erasmus Rotterdam), “Kant on Freedom at Work.” Comment by Frank Lovett (Washington St Louis).

15.45h. Closing remarks

To attend in person or online, please sign up here.

Conveners: Iñigo González-Ricoy (UB) and José Luis Martí (UPF). Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, the Spanish Research Agency, and the European Regional Development Fund (research project PGC2018-095917-A-I00), Universitat de Barcelona, and Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Illustration by Vinicius Cora (Sargadelos factory in Cervo).