Session 1

Session 1 - Awesome turtle adaptations

Join using the zoom link at 2:00pm on Monday 11 October

Webinar ID: 645 2579 5884

Webinar passcode: reptile

We are learning:

what a reptile is

about the features of turtles

about the differences between a turtle and a tortoise

about adaptations of turtles.

I will know I'm successful if:

I can tell the difference between a turtle and a tortoise

I can name the features of a turtle

I can describe how a turtle’s adaptations help it to survive.

Four turtles on a log in the water
Turtle sitting on a rock with head hiding
Turtle swimming in the water

Session outline

What is a reptile?

Features of turtles

What is the difference between a turtle and a tortoise?

Meet Jaws and check out his features - is he a turtle or a tortoise?

Adaptations of a turtle - how do turtle features help them?

Turtle standing on a log near the water

Reptile clubs and societies

If you are interested in keeping reptiles as pets, joining a club or society is a great way to learn how to care for these fascinating animals.

Australian Herpetological Society

Hawkesbury Herpetological Society

Macarthur Herpetological Society

Central Coast Herpetological Society

Illawarra Reptile Society

South Coast Reptiles Society

Artwork of Jaws the short-neck turtle

This artwork of Jaws was drawn by Amy, one of the Longneck Lagoon EEC teachers.