I Know Someone Who Has Been Affected By The Travel Ban
Responses Available For Viewing At: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sEF-mIkZS6p8vCx1XD9JCh1f54RHVqkzo7c5ZrOmF8s/
"I can't imagine too many people out there...right now think it's unreasonable to ask a few more questions from someone traveling in and out of Libya and Yemen before being let loose in the United States...and that's all this is."
- Reince Priebus 1/29/2017
The results are visible to anyone. The hope of the Administration is that these people will not be humanized. As long as they are seen as "a small number of people facing a minor inconvenience" then there is justification to allow this to continue. If instead, these people are seen for what they are, human beings with lives and families that are truly being devastated by these actions, then there is no cowardly argument left for anyone to hide behind.
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