Assembly Steps
0. Gather the required components
Note: Before beginning construction, this video shows how to properly install corner brackets with T-slotted profiles. This basic process is repeated to construct the entire cell.
1. Build the base frame
2. Mount the vertical rods
Note: We recommend preemptively sliding in four T-nuts to the vertical rods (as indicated by the right arrow) in order to make mounting the arena walls easier later on. We also recommend sliding in six T-nuts to the horizontal rods (as indicated by the left arrow) to make mounting the arena floor easier.
3. Mount the upper section
Note: Again, we recommend slipping in four T-nuts under the horizontal rods in the upper section to make mounting the arm easier.
4. Mount the arena base and corner brackets
Note: To mount the arena floor, use the four of the T-nuts that were slid in earlier from Step 2. Then use the other two T-nuts to mount the corner brackets.
5. Mount the arena walls
6. Mount the WidowX arm to the acrylic mounting plate
Note: For instructions on constructing the WidowX arm, this page walks through the steps for setting up the arm from scratch (there's also a build check for validating the construction of the arm that we recommend). If using the Docker image, then everything after the build check is optional. When constructing the gripper, double-pad the gripper jaws with foam (the gripper should ship with enough foam to double-pad).
7. Mount the arm plate to the upper section of the cell
Note: Use the T-nuts we slid in during Step 3. Also make sure that the front-facing direction of the base of the arm (AKA the direction faced when the arm is in neutral position) is facing the direction indicated by the arrow.
8. Attach the SR300 camera to the slotted inside corner bracket
Note: While attaching the bracket, bend the angle of the camera to be completely straight and center the bracket
9. Mount the camera bracket to the upper section
Note: The bracket should be mounted at the midpoint of the front rod. The angle of the camera will be adjusted during calibration.
Finished REPLAB cell!