
Normal Workshop Papers

Authors should submit a long paper of up to 8 pages, with up to 2 additional pages for references, or a short paper of up to 4 pages, with up to 2 additional pages for references, following the ACL 2020 formatting requirements (see the ACL 2020 Call For Papers for reference: The reported research should be substantially original. Accepted papers will be presented as posters. Reviewing will be double-blind, and thus no author information should be included in the papers; self-reference that identifies the authors should be avoided or anonymised. Accepted papers will appear in the workshop proceedings.

Extended Abstracts

Preliminary but interesting ideas or results that have not been published before may be submitted as extended abstracts. Accepted extended abstracts will be presented as posters, and included in the workshop program and handbook, but will not be included in the workshop proceedings (and are not eligible for best paper prizes). Extended abstract submissions are therefore ideal for preliminary work which would benefit from exposure but is not ready for publication. Authors should submit a long extended abstract of up to 8 pages, with up to 2 additional pages for references, or a short extended abstract of up to 4 pages, with up to 2 additional pages for references. Submissions should follow the ACL 2020 formatting requirements (see the ACL 2020 Call For Papers for reference: Reviewing will be double-blind, and thus no author information should be included in the papers; self-reference that identifies the authors should be avoided or anonymized.


In addition to previously unpublished work, we also solicit papers on relevant topics that have appeared in a non-NLP venue (e.g., workshop or conference papers at NeurIPS or ICML). Accepted cross-submissions will be presented as posters, with an indication of original venue, but will not be included in the workshop program and handbook, or the workshop proceedings (and are not eligible for best paper prizes). Cross- submissions are ideal for related work which would benefit from exposure to the RepL4NLP audience. Submission length is determined by the original venue. Interested authors should submit their papers in PDF format through the RepL4NLP Softconf website, with a note on the original venue. Papers in this category do not need to follow the ACL format and selection will be solely determined by the organising committee.

Submission Link

RepL4NLP submission via Softconf