Mapping cone of k-entanglement breaking maps, Repana Devendra, Nirupama Mallick, and K. Sumesh. Positivity, Vol. 27, No. 01, 5 (2023).
C*-extreme points of entanglement breaking maps, B. V. Rajarama Bhat, R. Devendra, N. Mallick, and K. Sumesh. Reviews in Mathematical Physics, Vol.35, No. 03, 2350005 (2023).
Degradable strong entanglement breaking maps, Repana Devendra, Gunjan Sapra, and K. Sumesh. Linear Algebra and its Applications, Vol. 703, 0024-3795, 302-328 (2024).
(With Pankaj Dey and Santanu Dey) On the rank of extremal marginal states. ArXiv:2412.10041.
(With Tiju. C. John and Sumesh) What is a Gaussian channel, and when is it physically implementable using a multiport interferometer? Submitted.