Given that you have a post on the forum where you've mentioned having used a save editor on your game, my guess would be this is the fallout from having done that. It's the kind of corruption I've seen countless times caused by tools people insist are safe.

Someone was saying they saw a post from you stating you'd used a save editor. Apparently they mistook the DLL loaders you're using for one or something. You ARE however using a number of "game fixes" type of plugins which IMO don't strike me as something we should be providing support for, no matter how enamored the community has become with them. That kind of black box data manipulation is unpredictable and doesn't give consistent results for a lot of people.

Skyrim 360 Save Editor

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I'd reported it in the bug tracker, but I'm unable to find the connection either. Hoping that others will test. I'm raising it here, because we don't get enough eyeballs on the tickets. Also you closed it saying I'm using a save editor, which is false.

That new runthrough does use SSE Engine Fixes. I'm unsure how it could have bolloxed any setstage across quests. But it does fix the savegame issue that ended my previous long run. There are some terrible programming errors in the vanilla game.

As far as saving/loading, as long as you don't reload inside the same cell you saved in you'll be fine. It's only when doing a reload from the same cell where you get potential problems. Most noticeable with death reloads in a dungeon. Sometimes you can come back and find dead NPCs you killed prior to the reload. And who knows what else that's not obvious. Either pick a different save from a different cell, or exit to desktop first.

I've played with it a little bit and that pretty much summarizes my experience with it for the most part when it comes to weird script and record clobbering issues. It has saved my bacon in a few really stupid "filthy unclean mesh" CTDs I've had though.

I'm actually using it to troubleshoot a LAL->Own hold property -> Tundra Homestead CTD I've kind of been able to reproduce. Nothing but generic stack dumps so far, but I'm hoping coming in the front door or loading in from a save at the LAL load-in spot will let me reproduce it.

Before continuing, we highly recommend that you back up your saved game files. This utility controls a lot of the game's properties, so you need to be careful and back things up. Most commonly, the save game location for Skyrim is as follows (assuming Windows 7):

I've scoured the pages from the UESP wiki on save file format but I couldn't find where the player's inventory is, even after writing a crude REFR change form reader. The wiki has a lot of information on many structures, but none are clearly identified as the player's inventory.

I've been playing Skyrim for three days now, and the first two days were without problems. Today was going fine until recently. I hit level 20, clicked Health for level up, and instantly I am looking at my desktop. First CTD. Now, every single time I save in any way, console or menu, the game crashes instantly.

This is only true of games I saved today. My save games from yesterday seem to work fine, and I can save with them. Three hours of playtime today with no issues, and now all of those saves are tainted and crash when saving. It's like something went wrong and retroactively broke everything I did today. I have no idea what happened, how it infected everything else I did today, and why nothing from previous days was affected.

I hope someone will have a suggestion. I could just resume from yesterday's saves that work, but with the problem unresolved today there's absolutely no way of knowing whether it will just appear again in the future.

I have this problems for months now... I took a break of Skyrim because is umplayable with step extended+my 100 mods. Did you noticed when you open the save cleaner that it show some msg saying you have a high number of active scripts? Mine are always around 2k-10k scripts running, and this is the cause of constant CTD and save corruptions for me.

- Have you tried the old player.kill trick? (Details in the second post here: -the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/65664399) When I've had that bug, it has never provided a long-term fix, but it HAS provided proof that I can still actually make saves.

- To get a meaningful diagnosis, load up your game with half your load order deactivated and see if you can make a save. If you CAN'T save, reduce by half again and try again. If you CAN save, erase the test save, add in half of the leftovers and try again. Keep on going until you identify a single mod that causes the crash if activated.

- THEN activate all the rest of your plugins except for that one plugin AND all the plugins that depend on it. (Which, in these days of everything being patched to work with everything else may be quite a few!) See if you can still make a test save. If you can, nice. However, there's a decent chance you won't be able to. If this is the case, go back to dividing and conquering until you find a SECOND problem plugin. Keep on going until you can load with everything activated but the "problem children."

- At this point, there's a decent chance that you can get your savegame back on track by using the mod editor function in Save Cleaner to whack all the active forms and scripts in the mod(s) in question, load up your save with everything else, wait for a while somewhere safe, make a new save, exit. Then re-activate your trouble-makers and see if you're good to go.

Sarcasm: there is good advice here. Understand that the problems could be one of many. String count is a big problem for load orders that large and wasn't identified until earlier this year. Crash Fixes makes that particular problem go away. But it doesn't eliminate all potential problems. Following a guide like Neovalen's for Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition will eliminate a lot of mod incompatibility but you'll sacrifice some personalization of the game for stability. I still have the same recurring issue as you mentioned every 20 hours of game play where I'm unable to save the game. For me the "player.kill" method does work: (second post) although I've been unsuccessful in getting any advice on why it works, or what is causing the crashes in the first place. My sense is that it is still a misunderstood problem in the game and could well be caused by things I've added on top of the SR:LE build. Sorry to not be more specific but you may find modding to be frustrating in that there can be a lot of time spent making the game work rather than playing it.

I've never even heard of string count before, that is new to me. Assuming Skyrim Save Editor is accurate, my current crashing save file has 52,300 strings. A brand new save has 43,930 strings. The post ram911 linked shows 65,535 is the maximum, so is this not the problem? The number doesn't seem to be exceptionally high, but someone who knows more can tell me. I do, however, have many script instances (157,983). Should I try dropping mods like Interesting NPCs? That would be a shame, it was one of the main reasons I wanted to play again.

I've been playing around with string count quite a bit in the past day. I still don't think this is my problem, though. It seems that the limit is 65,535, but I never even came close to that. My most recent save was 52,300. Are there other string-related issues besides hitting the limit?

This program will let you edit various things in the saves of Pokmon Mystery Dungeon: Red and Blue Rescue Team and Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky, and some parts of the ROM for Pokmon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky!

Finished researching for the day. If any non developer wants to help out, send me your save files so I can list what values are for what character in the team name. Start new games with specific 10 character sets perhaps, then immediately quicksave.

Hmm... odd. Didn't notice it in my save. I'm almost sure that in my case everything was zeroed out upon removal, but don't take my word for it until I've tried it again (which may take some time as I receive PMD:GtI tomorrow, though it's just too bad I'm not able to get any save files from my 3DS... ).

Ah, then the 1 is a bit to determine if there's an item or not. Well... that makes sense. I wonder why my save was being zeroed out in the whole remaining data. Anyway, at least there's a use for that 1

Updated because the previous 1.0.1 version might have had a line of code I forgot to comment out that might have screwed up the player name. If this hurt anyone, give me your save file and your player name and I'll fix it.

Editor now supports setting what's inside a box when adding an item. This is retained when putting a box in storage then removing it. (Didn't save before withdrawing, may or may not make a difference.)

Hit Tilde(~) to bring up the developer console, and enter these codes for the desired effect. Note: certain cheats you can enter a second time to toggle off the effect. Achievements are disabled when you enter cheats. Some cheats can cause bugs later on, or cause situations which may "break" certain quests. Adding items (except quest items) is almost always safe, as are commands that display information (debug text, attribute values). If you're unsure, don't save your game after using the command & DISABLE the autosaving features, or simply be sure to delete the affected saves when you're finished experimenting.

2> When first picked up and placed in the inventory, we save the stats somehow and keep recalling that saved snapshot whenever we equip/unequip the item. This seems the most logical option to me, but I cannot think how to do so. There are many blueprints and widgets involved with this system and a lot of inter-dependencies so although I have some ideas, I doubt I could reliably make this change without a solid understanding of the whole picture. be457b7860

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