When it comes to creating 360 SLOMO videos at events, the digital age is definitely here to stay. With so many ways to share videos instantly, printed pictures from photo booth rentals may seem a little outdated and stale. But what about the 360 video booths that are currently trending on Social Media? These 360 HD videos allow guests to experience the action from all angles, making for a fun circular video experience. So whether you're looking for something unique and different to capture your guests or just want to make sure they have the best possible 360 videos of your event, a 360 SLOWMO booth is a great option!

If you're looking for a 360 video experience that puts your guests right in the middle of the action, then 360 videos are a perfect way to accomplish that! 360 Videos can be easily shared on social media within minutes and are a different way to capture your guests. Instead, 360° videos provide an interactive and unique experience for your guests. Lighting, staff, 360 camera, and Social Sharing Software are all included in our video booth packages. With an interactive Slow Motion Video booth like this, you can make your guests feel like they're the stars of the show! Your guests will love seeing 360 videos instantly uploaded to their social media - perfect for many occasions including: Conferences, Trade Shows, Seminars, Corporate meetings, Company parties, and Product launches.

360 photo booth Cast party
360 photo booth After-party
360 photo booth Cast party
Renting a Slow Motion Photo Booth
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Renting a Slow Motion Photo Booth
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