
Your donations help the Reno Special Friends Optimist Club (a non-profit 501c3) purchase supplies for community service projects and activities.

We appreciate your consideration! All donations help our organization to grow and thrive (no matter how large or small).

A big THANK YOU to the following individuals, families, companies and groups who donated to our "Smooch For The Cause" Fundraiser:

Alanna Martin - $30.00

Amanda Clark - $20.00

Angela Crandall - $30.00

Angela Driver - $30.00

Ariana Tafolla - $10.00

Carlson/Dionisio Family - $100.00

Carolina Pedraza - $10.00

Computer Addiction - $50.00

Deborah Hawthorne - $100.00

Dennis OBrien - $20.00

Doug Vacek - $100.00

Elizabeth Costa - $10.00

Erin Lehman - $30.00

Harvey Family - $20.00

John King - $30.00

Judy Kareck - $30.00

Katherine Rodriguez - $80.00

Kristina Mercier - $10.00

Kristine Santiano - $20.00

Laurie Roberts - $10.00

Leah Hoover - $51.99

Liam Clark - $10.00

Nancy Pezonella - $100

The Schafer Family - $60.00

Dee & Rick Frewert - $100.00

Optimist Club of Reno - $200.00

Masih Madani - $20.00

Michele LaHue - $10.00

Michelle Herschleb - $20.00

The Grant Family - $110.00

Peter Johnson - $30.00

Ruben Rodriguez - $20.00

Dr. Shain Smith - $10.00

Susan Rodriguez - $30.00

Tracy Johnson - $20.00

Wayne Harvey - $50.00

Even though the deadline for photo submissions has ended for the "Smooch For The Cause" fundraiser, donations are still being accepted until we reach our goal!

Congratulations to the winning SMOOCH photo! Tanner and the kissing ape!