
Greetings! My name is Mrs. Danby, with my beautiful family (that might sometimes appear in videos or zoom calls). I am looking forward to a great year with you! Read below to learn how to use the website.

Mrs. Danby's Qualifications: BA in Mathematics from Western New England College. Masters In Higher Education from Kaplan University. Additional masters work from Springfield College and Lesley University.

"Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty." - Bertrand Russell
"I learned to collect, analyze and use data as a high school student because early on I realize that alone we could be ignored — but there was power in a number." - Yeshimabeit Milner (founder of Data for Black Lives).

Current Unit & Assignments

Contact Mrs. Danby

Join Remind! Precalculus Class Code @RenPreCalc


Mrs. Danby's late day - Mondays 2:30-3:00

Our Learning Targets this year:

LT 1: I can identify graphs and properties of functions with proper limit notations.

LT 2: I can create a function or rule that represents real world events.

Skills LT: I can select and implement an effective method to solve equations of varying degrees.

  • Fluently uses inverse operations to isolate a variable involving fractions.

  • Rearrange an equation with multiple variables.

  • Factor polynomials of varying degrees.

Habits of Work

HoW 1 - I come to my digital environment ready to learn.

HoW 2 - I actively and collaboratively participate in my online class.

HoW 3 - I assess and revise my independent assignments.

HoW 4 - I am a self-directed and organized student.


  • LT 1: I can identify graphs and properties of functions with proper limit notations.

  • LT 2: I can compare and compose functions to solve real-world application problems.

  • LT 3: I can create a function or rule that represents real world events.

Unit 2

Polynomial, Power and Rational Functions

Exponential, Logistic and Logarithmic Functions

  • LT 4: I can use exponential and logarithmic equations related to real world scenarios.

Trigonometric Functions

Unit 5

Analytic Trigonometry

Unit 6

Applications of Trigonometry

Class Resources