Remote Experimentation of Manipulation for
Online Test and Evaluation (REMOTE)

Funded by the National Science Foundation, CISE Community Research Infrastructure (CNS-1925715 and CNS-1925604)


REMOTE is a collaborative project between Oregon State University and the University of Massachusetts Lowell, developing a remotely accessible testbed for conducting repeatable robotic grasping and manipulation tests using a set of standard robotic hardware, benchmarking tasks (e.g., object grasping, shelf picking, door opening, part assembly), software framework, test metrics, and external sensors for recording ground truth and rich data collection.

Physical test stations are used for benchmarking grasping and manipulation task performance

Various software for simulation, test flow control, evaluation, and ground truth measurement

A standard set of robotic arms, end effectors, and sensors are available for experimentation

Ground truth sensor data and test station metrics are recorded, labeled, and stored