Пересылка Сообщений из WhatsApp/Viber и т.Д.

How to set up the forwarding of notifications from WhatsApp / Viber, etc.

Go to Notification Forwarding and click the plus button to add a new notification filter.

Then set a name for the filter, select the applications from which you want to forward notifications.

You can filter notifications using conditions.

To forward notifications to a specific user or group / channel, click the Add button in the Recipients section. In order for notifications to start being sent to the group, you must first add the bot to the group and start chatting with it in this group.

How to set conditions

Truth And Truth = Truth

True And False = False

Truth OR Truth = Truth

True OR False = True

(Truth And False) OR (Truth And Truth) = Truth

If OR, then it is enough that at least one of the conditions is true

If there is AND, then all conditions must be true

Message template

To set your own message format, uncheck the box next to Standard template and specify the required message format in the Template text field.

In the Template text field, you can use both built-in variables and variables you created. Variables can be useful when you do not want to send all of the notification, but some part of it. When adding a new variable, you need to specify its Name and in the Regex field you need to specify a regular expression by which the substring in the notification text will be searched for. More on regular expressions: https://www.freeformatter.com/java-regex-tester.html