Remcos is a RAT first seen in the wild in 2016 and is regularly distributed through malicious Microsoft documents or downloaders. It has been most recently observed in a campaign involving the Fruity malware downloader. The objective was to lure the victims to download the Fruity downloader, which ends up installing different RATs such as Remcos, which is known for its ability to gain remote access to the victim system, steal sensitive information and credentials and conduct malicious activity on the user computer.

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 Originally, AndroRAT was an open-source proof-of-concept that became an actual remote access Trojan. That's bad, but it could be worse. At least it was hard to deliver to victim's phones and notoriously unstable. Bitdefender's senior threat analyst Bogdan Botezatu explained that it was the introduction of an APK binder that truly weaponized AndroRAT. "After you used the APK binder you got a perfect copy for cybercrime," said Botezatu.

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 In addition to being free, AndroRAT is extremely easy to use. In a demonstration, Botezatu showed me the simple point-and-click interface for creating Trojanized apps and for controlling infected devices. With just a few clicks, he showed me all of the data he could access remotely. With a few more clicks, he used an infected device to send SMS messages. I asked him if it was possible to capture video and audio and, sure enough, there was a pull down menu for that.

An updated version of an Android remote access trojan dubbed GravityRAT has been found masquerading as messaging apps BingeChat and Chatico as part of a narrowly targeted campaign since June 2022.

The trojan can access content displayed on the device's screen and control the touch screen - by abusing these services. BRATA persistently displays pop-up windows requesting various permissions to be allowed to the accessibility services - until users give their consent.

Typical features are: enablement of remote access and control over the device, exfiltration of content stored on the system, information extraction from browsers and other installed applications, keylogging, audio/video recording through microphones and cameras, download/installation of additional malware, use of system resources to mine cryptocurrency (cryptominers), data encryption and/or screen locking for ransom purposes (ransomware), and so forth.

A RAT (remote access Trojan) is malware an attacker uses to gain full administrative privileges and remote control of a target computer. RATs are often downloaded along with seemingly legitimate user-requested programs -- such as video games -- or are sent to their target as an email attachment via a phishing email.

RATs are good at evading detection, and even strong antivirus software can miss them. While only specific scans may detect the presence of a RAT, the following five signs should be observed when searching for a remote access Trojan:

A common way of expanding this beachhead on the target machine is through Remote Access Trojans (RATs). This type of malware is designed to allow a hacker to remotely control a target machine, providing a level of access similar to that a remote system administrator. In fact, some RATs are derived from or based upon legitimate remote administration toolkits.

Since it was derived from a legitimate remote administration tool, FlawedAmmyy has a variety of built-in features. It provides a user with the ability to access the file system, capture screenshots and seize control of microphone and camera.

The oldest legitimate remote access software was built in the late 1980s, when tools such as NetSupport appeared. Soon after that, in 1996, their first malicious counterparts were created. NokNok and D.I.R.T. were among the first, followed by NetBus, Back Orifice and SubSeven.

Gh0st was among the most prolific remote access trojans of its time. It was developed by a Chinese group that went by the name C. Rufus Security Team. The first version surfaced in 2001, according to Valeros, but it only gained popularity a few years after.

"The spyware is distributed through email phishing or smishing campaigns and the fraudulent activities are executed with a combination of remote access trojan (RAT) capabilities and vishing attack," Italian cybersecurity firm Cleafy said in a technical analysis released Monday.

The idea is to use TeamViewer as a conduit to gain remote access to the victim's phone, and stealthily install the malware. The various kinds of information harvested by SpyNote include geolocation data, keystrokes, screen recordings, and SMS messages to bypass SMS-based two-factor authentication (2FA).

RAT Malware, short for Remote Access Trojan, is a specific type of malware that gives a hacker remote access to an infected device. When an Android phone is infected with RAT Malware, a hacker can steal information, download more malware to your phone, and infect other devices connected to the same network.

Android phone malware is especially dangerous because the hacker gains access to the Android phone at the highest level. When a phone is infected with RAT Malware the camera, keypad, and file system may be accessed anytime remotely. RAT Malware can behave like a key logger recording all keystrokes and information sent from the phone. All data from the phone can be recorded and sent back to the hacker including usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, banking credentials, and the contents of any messages.

OmniRAT is a remote access Trojan (RAT) that allows remote access to a targeted device running on different operating systems, including Windows, Android, and Mac. It is a multi-platform RAT that is designed to give the attacker full control of the compromised device.

OmniRAT is capable of performing various functions remotely from remote computer, for example, including accessing and managing files, adding or removing applications, and accessing app widgets. It can also provide full system information, for example, including system logs, battery status, and installed applications.

Remcos RAT Pro is a remote access Trojan (RAT) that is designed to give attackers complete control over a targeted device. It is a powerful RAT that is commonly used by cybercriminals to gain unauthorized physical access to to systems and steal sensitive information.

DenDroid is a type of Android mobile malware, that operates as a Remote Access Trojan (RAT). DenDroid is mobile malware that allows attackers to take control of an infected device remotely, giving them access to sensitive data, such as passwords, contacts, and messages.

Based on the features listed above, SPY24 is a powerful Android Remote Administration Trojan that offers a wide range of capabilities, commands and tools for remotely accessing and controlling an Android device. It provides full remote access to the device, allowing the user to perform a variety of functions, such as accessing files, adding or removing apps, and monitoring call and SMS activity.

In the world of software, RAT stands for Remote Access Tool or Remote Administration Tool. Remote access and control software is it. RATs are used for IT assistance and remote troubleshooting, but they may also be used for hacking and espionage.

Remote Access Trojans are programs that provide the capability to allow covert surveillance or the ability to gain unauthorized access to a victim PC. Remote Access Trojans often mimic similar behaviors of keylogger applications by allowing the automated collection of keystrokes, usernames, passwords, screenshots, browser history, emails, chat lots, etc. Remote Access Trojans differ from keyloggers in that they provide the capability for an attacker to gain unauthorized remote access to the victim machine via specially configured communication protocols which are set up upon initial infection of the victim computer. This backdoor into the victim machine can allow an attacker unfettered access, including the ability to monitor user behavior, change computer settings, browse and copy files, utilize the bandwidth (Internet connection) for possible criminal activity, access connected systems, and more.

Hello. I'm trying to figure out how someone could hack all devices in my network like laptops and smartphones, with unknown threat - probably RAT (Remote Access Trojan or Remote Administration Tool?). I don't know which malware exactly it is, but they are able to monitor my whole laptop, smartphone or network activity, and currently it's fully hidden, so it sounds like a RAT. This is a very advanced RAT which is entirely hidden, and I don't know what to look for. There is no any suspicious file or process (it's impossible to recognize it from legitimate files and processes - will I find out from the file dates?). It had to survived few formats from Windows CD, or it comes back from infected flash drives. It happened during remote work, and somehow it went from the company's laptop through my network to my private devices. I think furthermore, I will create another thread to try to remove it because it's too big. For now, I just want to know how it all happened.

Once, I had to work remotely, so I connected a company laptop to my family's network (via Wi-Fi), so I had to type the password of my network (technically it's one network, so you can connect via cable without password, and you can connect via Wi-Fi with network name and password, but it's separate password from router's admin). I knew this laptop had keylogger, Cisco AnyConnect, Microsoft's monitoring software, two VPN's, yourphone.exe, Bluetooth, enabled synchronization, domain user account (Windows), integrated OneDrive and more... It was an MDM laptop managed by IT administrators, and it was used by the other past employees before. Funny fact that at work, an IT administrator needed my permission for remote access, and I was informed about such an attempt but in my home somehow he accessed my private laptop just connecting to my network.

Exact way:

1. I typed my Wi-Fi password on the company's laptop to connect it to my network and work, so the network name and password was saved in that laptop.

2. IT administrator had to silently start remote access (there was no any information about remote access session) on company's laptop while it was in my network, and somehow it already allowed him to do something (what exactly?). He connected to all devices one by one with Cisco AnyConnect? How? He had full access to that company's laptop. My router had firewall turned off, but devices had its own Windows's firewall and were set to hidden in network (connected like to public network).

2. I didn't notice anything, expect big lags on my private laptop, so he connected from company's laptop through network via Cisco AnyConnect to my private laptop at the moment? Then I restarted private laptop, but I didn't know what is going on, so they could continue later when I wasn't checking private laptop, or they already installed something. Windows Defender and Windows firewall were sleeping well... I didn't notice lags on the company's laptop, but it was always working slower than I think it should work, so there had to be something working in the background all the time.

3. Later I realized what actually happened, and I only found already uninstalled Cisco AnyConnect (not installed by me) on my private laptop and other files with names like "backdoor" etc. with unknown file extensions.

4. Some unknown shell with Kernel error pop up during uninstallation of some program installed be me few months ago. I replaced the drive in this laptop and formatted other devices, but RAT was still working without any signs. So Cisco AnyConnect was used to install RAT on my devices?

5. There is still something that I can't find. I don't know if it's RAT or something else. Probably it's outside the Windows. I tried 20 different scanners and nothing is detectable. Logs from Farbar are clean too. For Malwarebytes system is clean too.

6. I think Windows Credentials are faked - that's why it's undetectable. Control Panel\User Accounts\Credential Manager had some active session with login and password ("Windows credential" and "Cerificate based credential" menu). I don't know if it's a legitimate file or not or what it was caused by. e24fc04721

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