Play the Game

Embark on an adventure of micro-proportions where you'll pilot an Unmanned Medical Vehicle through the blood vessels of a patient in an attempt to seek out and destroy cancer cells, saving them from this awful disease!

Give us some Feedback!

We'd love to hear your thoughts on the game and about your experiences while playing it. Please take a few minutes and complete the following survey.

Report a Bug

If you run into any bugs, please report them using our custom bug report form! Use Snipboard.IO to take a snapshot of the bug (if you can) in the game. Even if you can't get the bug, if you were playing a level, we can use the screenshot to help reproduce it.

Upload a Screenshot

Take a screenshot of your game (press Print Screen or PRT SCRN or Alt + PRT SCRN), head on over to Snipboard.IO (online screenshot posting tool) and paste your screenshot into their site (CTRL + v), copy their link (they have an easy copy button) and add it to your bug report!

This work was supported by the National Science Foundation CAREER Award Number 1653992

Questions, comments, concerns, interest in being a future game tester? Email Dana Wortman (