Have milk and cookies with Santa, hear a Christmas story, decorate cookies and make a holiday craft. Remember your camera for a picture with Santa. Fee: $15 Resident; $20 Non-Resident; $5 sibling discount

June is also National Dairy Month and is the cherry on top of the celebration. Pennsylvania has the second largest number of dairy farms in the U.S. and is ranked eighth in milk production nationally. The Pennsylvania dairy industry provides more than 47,000 jobs and supports the commonwealth's economy to the tune of $11.8 billion annually. Pennsylvania continues to be a leader in the production of ice cream, butter, and Swiss cheese. 

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With Remember the Milk, you can skip the handwritten reminders and instead use a to-do list app that is built for instant reminders. That way, you do not forget important details - like remembering the milk. The Smart Add feature skips the monotony of data entry and allows you to quickly and efficiently add tasks to your to-do list, so you don't fall behind on the day's business. You can set up reminders in case an alert comes at an inconvenient time. Remember the Milk also integrates with multiple devices and systems, including iOS, Android, and BlackBerry. You can also set up custom alerts via text message, email, or even Twitter.

I want to mention WMIC (Windows Management Instrumentation Command-Line) separately as it is Windows most useful command line tool. WIMIC can be very practical for information gathering and post-exploitation. That being said it is a bit clunky and the output leaves much to be desired for.

Fully explaining the use of WMIC would take a tutorial all of it's own. Not to mention that some of the output would be difficult to display due to the formatting.

I have listed two resources below that are well worth reading on the subject matter:

Command-Line Ninjitsu (SynJunkie) - here

Windows WMIC Command Line (ComputerHope) - here

Unfortunately some default configurations of windows do not allow access to WMIC unless the user is in the Administrators group (which is probably a really good idea). From my testing with VM's I noticed that any version of XP did not allow access to WMIC from a low privileged account. Contrary, default installations of Windows 7 Professional and Windows 8 Enterprise allowed low privilege users to use WMIC and query the operating system without modifying any settings. This is exactly what we need as we are using WMIC to gather information about the target machine.

To give you an idea about the extensive options that WMIC has I have listed the available command line switches below.

The important thing to remember is that we find out what user groups our compromised session belongs to. As mentioned previously "Power Users" is also considered to be a low privileged user group. "Power Users" have their own set of vulnerabilities, Mark Russinovich has written a very interesting article on the subject.

The Power in Power Users (Mark Russinovich) - here

Finally we will examine file/folder permissions, if we can not attack the OS directly we will let the OS do all the hard work. There is to much ground to cover here so instead I will show you two kinds of permission vulnerabilities and how to take advantage of them. Once you grasp the general idea you will be able to apply these techniques to other situations.

For our first example we will replicate the results of a post written by Parvez from GreyHatHacker; "Elevating privileges by exploiting weak folder permissions". This is a great privilege escalation write-up and I highly recommend that you read his post here.

This example is a special case of DLL hijacking. Programs usually can't function by themselves, they have a lot of resources they need to hook into (mostly DLL's but also proprietary files). If a program or service loads a file from a directory we have write access to we can abuse that to pop a shell with the privileges the program runs as.

Generally a Windows application will use pre-defined search paths to find DLL's and it will check these paths in a specific order. DLL hijacking usually happens by placing a malicious DLL in one of these paths while making sure that DLL is found before the legitimate one. This problem can be mitigated by having the application specify absolute paths to the DLL's that it needs.

You can see the DLL search order on 32-bit systems below:

1 - The directory from which the application loaded

2 - 32-bit System directory (C:\Windows\System32)

3 - 16-bit System directory (C:\Windows\System)

4 - Windows directory (C:\Windows)

5 - The current working directory (CWD)

6 - Directories in the PATH environment variable (system then user)

It sometimes happens that applications attempt load DLL's that do not exist on the machine. This may occur due to several reasons, for example if the DLL is only required for certain plug-ins or features which are not installed. In this case Parvez discovered that certain Windows services attempt to load DLL's that do not exist in default installations.

Since the DLL in question does not exist we will end up traversing all the search paths. As a low privilege user we have little hope of putting a malicious DLL in 1-4, 5 is not a possibility in this case because we are talking about a Windows service but if we have write access to any of the directories in the Windows PATH we win.

Let's have a look at how this works in practise, for our example we will be using the IKEEXT (IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules) service which tries to load wlbsctrl.dll.

All that remains now is to upload our malicious executable and overwrite "E:\GrabLogs\tftp.exe". Once that is done we can get an early night sleep and wake up for our shell in the morning. An important thing to remember here is that we check the time/timezone on the box we are trying to compromise.

These two examples should give you an idea about the kind of vulnerabilities we need to look for when considering file/folder permissions. You will need to take time to examine ALL the binpaths for the windows services, scheduled tasks and startup tasks.

As we have been able to see accesschk is the tool of choice here. Before finishing off I'd like to give you a few final pointers on using accesschk.

Yes, LFMFull sounds exactly like what cornucopia is asking for - a different LFMFull can be used for each monitor. But I presume each one will appear different, even if they all are using the same preset. It sounds like cornucopia may be asking for the ability to sync up the displays so they can all show the same thing. That sounds like a good use for an expander that would simply replicate the parent LFM or LFMFull image to another window. Or maybe it could be done as a context menu option within the LFMFull where you could specify the number of windows that you want, with a minimum and default of 1.

With respect to using/not using the window to guage development, the instructors at SFBI seem to always pull windows - sometimes several from different parts of the dough in order to judge the state of the dough. And...when they say, give it another 20 (or 90) seconds, they will come back and pull again to verify the dough is at the state they want it. While one can easily skip this step, it does seem to encourage consistency and that can clearly be beneficial.

We did one enriched bread during the week and when you add the milk and butter the whole personality of the dough is changed and it mixed - as I recall - to a perfect, glassy window. (We basically did the most glorious "white pan bread" I have ever tasted!)

Don't worry - it's quick and painless! Just click below, and once you're logged in we'll bring you right back here and post your question. We'll remember what you've already typed in so you won't have to do it again.

It is my understanding that music saved through iTunes into the iPhone music app sometimes disappears if the album is removed (by the artist or label or apple) from the iTunes Store (this is what my friend told me about his experience) so if you want to keep your music, have it on your computer, in a separate file you can play on QuickTime or VLC or similar (Does windows still have their awesome player?) or burn your favourite mixes to your CDs, or save them to a USB.

There was a time prior to 2012 when like iTunes it was possible to purchase tracks or an album for download to your device. There is an old saying, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" Spotify apparently has changed the playing field since then. Selling tracks or albums for download is a onetime profit. Like Micro$oft they decided instead of selling content they would keep the content and make you RENT IT by paying for a Prime Account. If you cancel the payment account and go back to Free, Pffft! All the music you downloaded is gone, gone, gone because you never really downloaded it. You only downloaded offline access. In order to access the music offline, there does need to be a physical residence on your device. But apparently, Spotify has hidden it well and additionally required that the only way you can access it is with the Spotify app with a Prime account. You'd have to be a hacker with advanced storage experience to find where the files are "downloaded" and make them playable outside the Spotify app.

I have no idea how the Jubilee would work on windows, start with a good supply of elbow grease, though! Just be sure to never use on floors, as they would REALLY be slippery to walk on.

Keep in mind though that the Wipe-Haze-Polish ease of the original Glass Wax will likely not be your experience using Jubillee, as it is a completely different animal (polish vs true wax) e24fc04721

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