Process for withdrawing from committees

The process and language below has been provided by union lawyers.

Your union reps can also provide you with small cards with this information for your use at meetings.

  • Process for those who are required to serve on committees as part of their normal workload

1. If you are required to serve on a committee as part of your normal workload, you should continue to serve.

2. Continue your service on the committee. You can ask that the language below be entered into the minutes.

3. If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to your union.

“I am a member of this committee pursuant to my workload assignment as a non-teaching faculty member at my college. I do not support the Consolidation. This initiative has and would continue to drain valuable and scarce resources away from the colleges and the students who depend on them and toward an ever-expanding central administration that is further removed from direct services to students. I will continue to attend and participate in this committee as part of my assigned workload. My participation should not be interpreted as support for the Consolidation.”

  • Process for those who serve on committees as Additional Responsibilities

1. Request a change in your AR, in writing, to your Dean, cc’ing your union rep. State how you would like to modify AR, and that you prefer to put your efforts towards another project. This is not the time to vent about Consolidation.

2. Expect that your Dean will confirm receipt of your email and notify you to consider your AR unchanged pending a review.

3. Please forward this communication to your union rep if they are not copied.

4. You are expected to continue service on the committee while the union files a grievance. Ask that the language below be read into the minutes.

I am a member of this committee pursuant to my duties as outlined in my Additional Responsibilities (AR), which is part of my workload at my college. I have requested a revision of my AR that includes being removed from this committee. I have requested this revision because I do not support the Consolidation. I believe the initiative is and will continue to deplete vital resources from the colleges at the expense of the educational services we deliver to our students. I will continue to serve on this committee until my AR proposal is revised. My participation in this committee should not be interpreted as my support for the Consolidation.”



  • your committee work is not part of your agreed upon Additional Responsibilities,
  • you have not been granted release time for your service on the committee and
  • your committee work is not part of your normal work load

You may resign from the committee without requesting approval. No explanation is owed, since your service was done on your own time.