Let's talk about Reliability

A discussion group on engineering for reliability

Hosted by Google Cloud Platform

We meet virtually, on the third Tuesday of every month

9:30am Pacific • 12:30pm Eastern

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To be notified of upcoming events, join "reliability-discuss" on Google Groups.

Reliability is hard. But you're not in it alone.

This group brings together operations and development engineers from different organizations to discuss challenges and solutions around engineering for reliability. Share successes and failures, learn about best practices, and meet others who are also on a journey to implement a sustainable practice of reliability engineering.


  • Monthly sessions via Google Meet -- all are welcome!

  • Then we use a Lean Coffee format where discussion topics are generated by the group

Also, the mailing list is available any time for asynchronous discussion.


This group is what its members make it--whatever is of interest to the group is fair game! But here are some of the kinds of things we expect will be on the table:

  • Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) and other approaches to building and maintaining reliable systems

  • Monitoring, observability, and incident response

  • Toil: identifying and reducing it

  • Service Level Indicators and Objectives (SLIs/SLOs)

  • Culture change, blamelessness, communication

Is this group only for GCP users?
No! Anyone is welcome, and most topics within reliability engineering are platform-agnostic. That said, this group is hosted by Google, so we expect most participants will be from organizations that are evaluating or using GCP.

Join in!

To be notified of upcoming events, join "reliability-discuss" on Google Groups.