
The Impact of Mental Health

In recent years, taking care of mental health has become increasingly relevant as more data is discovered showing it to be a large issue. Many are coping with mental health conditions and their family members are being negatively impacted both mentally and physically.


According to the Center on Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)...

"1 in 14 children ages 0-17 had a parent who reported poor mental health according to a recent survey. These children were more likely to have poor general health, have a mental, emotional, or developmental disability, to have adverse childhood experiences such as such as exposure to violence or family disruptions such as divorce, or to be living in poverty."

According to CNN...

"Depressed teens are about five times more likely to have depressed parents. Anxious teens are about three times more likely to have an anxious parent."


Clark University students were surveyed about witnessing mental health struggles at home

Students said witnessing someone deal with a hardship at home...

"hurt my mental health and distracted me in school"

"increased anxiety and stress for a time period"

"When you have a close relationship with a person dealing with anxiety/ stree etc it definitely affects you personally. It’s a feeling of helplessness"

Witnessing family members, friends, etc. struggle with mental health can take a toll on one's own mental health- that's why Release is here to help!