Palette Manifesto

It's a long read

Foreword (May 30th, 2023)

This page was published in late 2022 to combat Lospec's toxic behavior in relation to palette and art submissions. A good part of the issues were addressed as of today (May 30th, 2023):

However, some problems still remain:

Therefore, the next paragraph and the Manifesto may not fully reflect the reality in Lospec anymore, however due to the problems aforementioned, we at Rejected Palettes still think it is relevant to keep them, not just to further improve their community but also to serve as a reminder on how to treat its members with the respect they deserve.

The Manifesto

A couple months ago, ckelsallpxls and I sent a manifesto to the offending site's administrator so that measures could be taken in terms of how pixelart palette submissions could be improved.

Their staff did implement a public forum to address these issues, but after a while it became apparent that nothing worthwhile happened and the submissions and snide remarks continued. Therefore, I have decided to publish the manifesto so that everyone can read it in its entirety and that I can drive my point across. I do not like being singled out, especially by elitists who think I have a problem or "obsessive mental illness".

I work for the betterment of the pixelart scene, so if you share my point of view, please consider reading it.

We ask you kindly not to use either manifestos in this site as a means to deride anyone. We work for a better, more inclusive pixelart community and as such, they must not be used in malicious ways.

Thank you for respecting the RPL Staff.
