Bluesky Feed

For a bluer sky

This page explains in detail how the official Bluesky Rejected Palettes feed works, and how you can contribute to it.

If you have questions about Rejected Palettes itself, then click here.

Post Input

The feed collects those posts as input:


The feed collects posts the keywords: rejectedpalettes, rejected palettes, rejected-palettes, #rejectedpalettes, ❌🎨.

Pay attention not to misspell the keyword, or else the feed will not detect your post.


The feed filters out posts that have NFT, AI and cryptocurrency content. The filter is supplied by several Anti-AI moderation lists to ensure no such content is displayed.

How can I post to the feed?

Simply create a post that contains any of the keywords and do not trigger the removal filters.

I love this feed! How can I help you?

Thanks for your kind words! We work hard every day to bring you an enjoyable RPL experience.

Like and Share the feed with your friends to help us out! Liked feeds have higher chances of appearing in the Bluesky algorithm.

Create, post and repost art made with Rejected Palettes too, so that more people will be interested in our palettes and attempt using them. Ultimately, our goal is to instigate creativity, so the more people partake in it, the better!

Credits and Thanks

SkyFeed - Bluesky feed building app - Pixel Sky feed owner