Reionisation in the Summer

June 26-30, 2023

at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg


In the wake of JWST's launch, the prospects for constraining the Epoch of Reionisation are sunnier than ever. This conference will provide a wide overview on the state of the modeling of reionisation, current and upcoming observations of the EoR, and prospects for studying the intergalactic medium across cosmic time.

 The central themes of the conference will be:


Scientific Organising Committee

Frederick Davies, MPIA, Co-Lead

Sarah Bosman, MPIA/ITP, Co-Lead

Martin Haehnelt, University of Cambridge

Nickolay Gnedin, University of Chicago

Pratika Dayal, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute

Xiaohui Fan, University of Arizona

Steve Furlanetto, UCLA

Local Organising Committee

Prakash Gaikwad

Yash Sharma

Sofia Rojas-Ruis

more TBC



Haus der Astronomie

Königstuhl 17

D-69117 Heidelberg

Heidelberg is home to no less than six different astronomy institutes! In the summer, visitors may enjoy trips along the river Neckar, hikes in the forest surrounding the Institute, and the famous Heidelbeach set up along the river.



Abstract submission is now CLOSED.

Program announcement: by April 14th

Deadline for registration and conference fee payment: May 12th

Please register here: Registration