Inpatient Drug Rehab

Inpatient Drug Rehab - Rehab Near Me: The Best Addiction Treatment Centers

Inpatient drug rehab is a type of treatment program wherein the patient resides in a rehab facility for the duration of the treatment. There, they will receive round-the-clock care under a structured program.

Staying in the facility 24/7, patients are supervised by medical professionals who provide continuous care and assistance. Patients may board with an assigned roommate or stay in a room alone. Inpatient treatment involves a lot of scheduled one-on-one and group therapy sessions.

Inpatient Drug Rehab Treatment Centers:


Addiction is characterized by the compulsive use of a particular substance even when the user is already suffering from its effects.

How to Choose an Inpatient Drug Rehab Center

Addiction is a complex disease that affects a person on a physical and psychological level. The problems created by addiction can even extend into other areas of a person’s life, including their relationships with other people, their financial status, and for some people, their spiritual life. Not to mention that their drug abuse habits can even get them in trouble with the law.

It’s easy to see how addiction can lead someone to a downward spiral. It can make them feel hopeless. But addiction experts and medical professionals can help them regain their sobriety and learn how to maintain the sober lifestyle. This is a long and difficult journey that involves getting to the root of addictive behavior.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse or NIDA, addiction treatment should follow certain principles and should not have a one-size-fits-all approach. Treatment should be tailor-made for each person’s individual needs. As they progress through treatment, it should be adjusted accordingly.

Treatment for addicted individuals should be readily available, and it should also address any co-occurring disorders.Addiction treatment typically consists of a combination of medical detox and behavioral therapy. Medication may be prescribed as needed. Different behavioral therapies may be used depending on what is best for the patient. Behavioral therapies can equip recovering individuals with the knowledge and coping mechanisms they need to maintain long-term sobriety, which will help them even after they leave the drug rehab facility.Generally speaking, treatments that last longer often yield better results. For inpatient drug rehab, 90 days is considered optimal—but again, this depends on the person’s particular condition.

NIDA says that detox is only the first phase of a complete treatment plan. It should be followed by other treatment methods to maintain sobriety. So if the goal of detox is to get sober, behavioral therapy is there to help patients stay sober. The program should educate the patient on harm reduction.Another important thing, according to NIDA, is testing for infectious diseases. The facility can offer counseling if they test positive for any other illnesses.

Take note that these qualities should be present in all drug rehab facilities.

If you are looking for the right inpatient rehab for you or your loved one, there are plenty of other factors you need to consider, which we will cover below.In addiction treatment, there is a so-called “continuum of care”, and different treatment settings exist within it. This includes duration, level of care, and the appropriate treatment program. The right treatment level is determined after addiction treatment professionals have examined and assessed the patient’s condition and unique circumstances.

What is an Inpatient Drug Rehab Treatment Program?

Inpatient drug rehab is a type of treatment program wherein the patient resides in a rehab facility for the duration of the treatment. There, they will receive round-the-clock care under a structured program.

Staying in the facility 24/7, patients are supervised by medical professionals who provide continuous care and assistance. Patients may board with an assigned roommate or stay in a room alone. Inpatient treatment involves a lot of scheduled one-on-one and group therapy sessions.

One of the biggest benefits of inpatient drug rehab treatment is that it separates patients from their usual environment. It keeps them away from their triggers and temptations. Some patients have problematic home environments, and distancing them from it can help them in their recovery. Inpatient treatment removes the distractions of regular life, so that patients can better focus on regaining their sobriety.

Another important factor is the continued guidance and care of professional addiction experts. Some patients try to deal with addiction on their own, but this often leads to relapse because they are not addressing their problems the right way. Inpatient rehab provides a good environment for that.

What Happens in Drug Rehab Programs?

Inpatient drug rehab is just an umbrella term for the many kinds of treatment programs that are done in a residential setting. The actual experience patients have in an inpatient rehab depends on the program they attend. The only thing that’s consistent across all these different programs is that patients will stay in their facility full-time throughout the treatment. Some facilities offer short-term residential treatment, while others have longer programs. Individual and group counseling are typically provided, as well as medication that can help reduce cravings.

Counseling and therapy should help patients identify and address the causes of their substance use. This is done while they are slowly being weaned off of their drug of choice. As their body adapts and goes through withdrawal, medical professionals will be there to help them with the symptoms.

After a certain period, patients will usually move to a less intensive program. Although it is less intensive, it will still be highly structured. Patients will continue receiving support throughout their stay.

Many residential programs are equipped to address medical and social needs, but some only offer therapy, so keep that in mind when choosing a facility and program.

Inpatient rehab facilities prepare patients to readjust to life outside of the hospital setting. They will learn how to manage their social relationships. They may even get some employment or educational training so they are prepared to rebuild their life after rehab.

Do I Need Residential Drug Rehab?

The appropriate type of treatment for one person may not be right for another. But the benefits of residential drug rehab are clear. If you need another environment to focus on getting sober, this is the kind of program for you. Residential drug rehab is often recommended for those with moderate to severe

addiction.But the decision to go into inpatient rehab is highly personal. It is best to get the recommendation of a doctor or another treatment professional. Individuals struggling with addiction should go through evaluation so that they can get proper guidance on what the next best step is.

Treatment providers use certain criteria to determine the most appropriate level of care for patients. They may assess their physical and mental health history. They may also try to identify any co-occurring medical or mental health conditions.he person’s particular needs are also taken into account, including their responsibilities, their motivation, and their current living situation. Some people cannot go into residential treatment because of their work schedule or because they are taking care of their loved ones. Other patients need residential treatment because of their high risk of relapse.

Putting patients in the appropriate level of care will improve their chances of recovering. This will also set them up for long term success by avoiding relapse.What patients should know about addiction is that there is always a risk of relapse even though the placement criteria is evidence-based. That’s why making the appropriate adjustments to their treatment plan is an important part of the treatment journey. If the patient relapses during their treatment, the treatment provider may suggest a longer duration of rehab for the patient.

Do I Need Detox?

Detox is necessary for dealing with addiction because substance abuse causes dependence. During drug or alcohol abuse, the person develops tolerance for the substance, which means they no longer experience the same euphoric effects that they used to enjoy. This leads to increased intake of the substance, just so the person can get high again.

Eventually, this leads to dependence, wherein the person no longer feels like they can function “normally” without the drug or alcohol. Their body has adapted to the substance, and it causes adverse effects whenever they go on prolonged periods without it. The person goes into withdrawal and experiences intense cravings, which often leads to relapse.

Dependence is characterized by the presence of withdrawal symptoms after the person reduces or stops taking their intake of a certain drug. The intensity of withdrawal varies from one person to another, but it can be influenced by their drug intake habits such as method of administration and frequency of usage.

Withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to severe. Some drugs cause life-threatening withdrawal effects. It is worth noting that withdrawal symptoms are rarely fatal. However, it is common for people to require medical care during withdrawal, especially if they have any co-occurring disorders.

Withdrawal can be managed with medicinal therapies, which is another reason why inpatient treatment is so beneficial. Patients can get the support and medication they need when they experience withdrawal.

Common withdrawal symptoms include appetite changes, hallucinations, mood changes, bone pain, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, runny nose, restlessness, sleeping difficulties, tremors, fever, and seizures.

During detox, the patient’s intake is gradually lowered while their withdrawal symptoms are managed. This allows them to slowly get over their dependence on the substance.

How Do I Find an Inpatient Drug Rehab Center Near Me?

While there are certain criteria that can determine the right treatment for you, there are other factors you need to consider before choosing the right facility to receive treatment from.You can always search online for rehab programs and facilities near you. If you have insurance, you can contact an insurance representative who will help you find a local facility that accepts your insurance plan.

You can also use the directory from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to look for a facility by location, program type, payment methods, etc. Don’t just jump into the first facility you see. Make sure the patient is getting treatment from a high quality facility that offers the right treatment program.

What is the Difference between Inpatient & Outpatient Rehab?

Inpatient treatment, also known as residential drug rehab, involves staying in a rehab facility for the duration of treatment. Outpatient treatment is less structured and less focused, but it allows the patient to leave the facility to stay at home. Patients can return to their regular life in between sessions.

Outpatient treatment is usually for those with milder cases, or those who cannot stay in a rehab facility for some other reason. Because of its less structured program, outpatient treatment has a higher relapse rate compared to inpatient treatment. But it can still work well for those who are suitable for this type of program.

What is a Day Like in Rehab?

Rehab facilities offer different amenities. But they all provide meals, a room to sleep in, regular therapy sessions, and continuous medical support.In the morning, patients rise early—this is part of the program because it helps build discipline. They then enjoy a healthy breakfast. Some programs may offer meditation, yoga, and other morning classes to help clients begin with a relaxed state of mind.Treatment is all about helping patients build healthier habits that will help them establish their routine after their stay in rehab. They can change their old habits for the better.

Here, they can also meet a lot of people who will support them in their journey towards sobriety.After breakfast, or once the morning classes are over, there are group sessions led by a therapist or a counselor. They will focus on topics that are relevant to the treatment process.The goal is to help clients understand the situations and people that have fueled their need to take drugs or alcohol. By recognizing these problematic patterns, it is possible to change or manage the things that are triggering their desire to abuse addictive substances.After a health lunch, the patient goes through a series of therapeutic sessions. The afternoon is usually the part where the most intensive treatment happens. The specific approach varies from one facility to another.

But these sessions typically include Individual Behavioral Therapy, Group Therapy, Family Therapy, and other specialized sessions. Individual behavioral therapy, also known as cognitive behavioral therapy, is used in addiction treatment to teach individuals how to respond to specific triggers in a healthier way.The one-on-one setup gives clients the freedom to open up and share about their feelings, concerns, and fears. This also allows the therapist to give them the necessary tools to respond to these emotions and process them properly.On the other hand, group therapy brings the social aspect into the recovery process. Some patients respond better to this type of therapy because it allows them to connect with other people and share their experiences with a group that understands what they are going through. All participants are familiar with the struggles of addiction, so it’s an environment where there is no judgment and ridicule. It can be beneficial for addicted individuals to share their personal stories with one another. It also creates a sense of community, especially throughout their stay in rehab. As trust develops, they can help one another to overcome their struggles.

Family therapy helps address issues such as anger and resentment, which pushes the individual towards substance abuse. Family support can be a useful element in recovery as it encourages the patient to rebuild their close connections with family members.Addiction tends to affect the entire family, which often leads to bigger problems. Some family members may distance themselves from their addicted loved ones, while others may enable their self-destructive behavior. Either way, family therapy can be extremely beneficial.Some treatment facilities offer specialized therapy sessions. Some are tailored for anger management, grief counseling, stress management, etc. There are also plenty of alternative forms of therapy that can be engaging for different clients such as dance therapy, art therapy, music therapy, equine therapy, hypnotherapy, acupuncture, and exercise programs.

Things to Look for When Choosing a Center

Once you’re ready to enter an inpatient program, you have to select the right facility for you. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of location and where you’re able to get the best treatment that’s not too far away. But we have also listed a few questions that clients need to ask before settling on the right rehab facility.

What Type of Substance Abuse Disorders Does Residential Rehab Treat?

When choosing a residential facility, first you need to look at the kinds of programs they are offering. They may treat a wide variety of substances, but the exact programs and therapies may vary. Some facilities specialize in treating certain types of addictions. Some are focused on alcohol abuse, for example.Other facilities may cater to specific demographics such as veterans, adolescents, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. Look for a facility that offers the type of treatment you or your loved one need.

Does My Insurance Cover the Cost of Rehab?

The main concern for a lot of people is how they are going to pay for their treatment. Luckily, there are plenty of different payment options available—and again, it depends on your chosen facility. Some facilities offer payment plans, while others accept insurance plans. So clients need to ask their insurance provider which facilities accept their insurance plan. Sometimes Medicaid is able to cover a portion of the treatment cost for those who qualify.

How Long Does Inpatient Rehab Last

Inpatient treatment programs can last anywhere from 3 to 12 weeks, but this depends on multiple factors, including the patient’s progress while they are in rehab. More severe cases require longer treatment programs. Some long-term treatment scenarios can even last for more than half a year.Other factors that may influence a patient’s duration of stay include insurance coverage, severity of addiction, and other personal preferences.

Can My Family Visit Me While at Inpatient Rehab?

Family members are allowed to visit their loved ones in rehab. All they need to do is coordinate with the treatment team at the rehab facility. There are even family therapy options for those who want to get involved with the patient’s recovery.Family involvement can be vital, especially once treatment is over, because they can provide continued support and help the patient avoid relapse.Loved ones don’t even have to visit the facility to offer their support. Family therapy can be facilitated online or through the phone.

Can I Use A Cellphone or Computer in Rehab?

Speaking of phones, rehab facilities often have different policies on the usage of cellphones and electronic devices. Some facilities allow them, while others do not. But most facilities will restrict them during certain times so that patients can focus on their recovery.Call your treatment facility and ask about their cellphone policies to be sure. Also ask about other approved and prohibited items.

How Much Does Inpatient Rehab Cost?

The cost of drug and alcohol rehab will vary by treatment provider. The price is dictated by certain factors such as the types of services they offer, and what state they are located in. There are even luxury rehab facilities for those who want a lot of amenities.Regardless of price, there will be different payment options available so that treatment is accessible to those who need it. Call the admissions helpline and ask about pricing.These are the questions you need to ask before settling on the right inpatient treatment facility for you or your loved one. There are many factors to consider, but the journey to sobriety is worth it. Get started on the road to recovery today.

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