Organising Committee

M. Teresa Martín-Valdivia

M. Teresa is a full Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Jaén. She belongs to the research group SINAI. Currently, her main lines of research are focused on the study and development of NLP systems applied to biomedicine and on systems based on sentiment and emotion analysis for social purposes. She is the author of more than 200 scientific publications and has directed and participated in more than 20 national and international research projects. She also belongs to important national and international research networks and is currently the PI of the thematic network of excellence PLN.NET where she has created the community DiverTLes formed by more than 140 women working and researching in NLP and which organises promotion and dissemination activities to make women in this field more visible. 

Arturo Montejo-Ráez

Arturo  is a tenured professor and researcher at Universidad de Jaén, Spain.  He holds a  European PhD in Computer Science from the University of Granada. He is a Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing member and founder of the spin-off Yottacode S.L. His scientific activity focuses on deep learning for NLP, analysing stereotype bias in language models and explainability in large language models. He is also the Lead Researcher of several regional and national projects in Spain, some related to the early detection of mental disorders from texts. He has been an organiser of three editions of TASS workshop at IberLEF 2018, 2019 and 2020, the ALexS workshop at IberLEF 2020, the MeOffendEs and EmoEvalEs workshops at IberLEF 2021 and the first edition of MentalRiskEs in 2023.

L. Alfonso Ureña-López

L. Alfonso  is Full Professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Jaén, Spain, where he is the Director of the SINAI (Sistemas INteligentes de Acceso a la Información) research group. He is the author of more than 250 publications on various topics of natural language processing (NLP). He is the programme chair and a keynote speaker of several major international conferences. In addition, he is the Editor-in-Chief of Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural journal. He is a technical reviewer of several journals and a member of the program committee of several major conferences. He has supervised numerous doctoral theses and numerous research projects. He has directed and participated in more than fifty research projects, European, national, regional, thematic networks and has directed and participated in numerous contracts with companies.

M. Estrella Vallecillo Rodríguez

Estrella is a researcher of the SINAI research group and a PhD student at University of Jaén, Spain. Her research interests are in Artificial Intelligence, particularly in the field of Natural Language Processing, with a focus on Hate Speech detection, counter-narrative generation, sexism detection, Textual Analysis, and Text Mining.

Isabel Cabrera De Castro

Isabel is a researcher in the SINAI research group. With a degree in Hispanic Philology from the University of Jaén, her research interests are focused on Natural Language Processing, working on the generation of counter-narratives, detection of offensive messages in digital media, and detection of gender parity in news.

M. Victoria Cantero Romero

Victoria is a temporary Professor in the Spanish language Department at the University of Jaén, Spain. Her research interests focus on Natural Language Processing with attention to the linguistic analysis of texts. She has participated in projects on gamification detection and counter-narrative.