.NET Reflector is a class browser, decompiler and static analyzer for software created with .NET Framework, originally written by Lutz Roeder. MSDN Magazine named it as one of the Ten Must-Have utilities for developers,[1] and Scott Hanselman listed it as part of his "Big Ten Life and Work-Changing Utilities".[2]

In order to compare the alternatives to the original, included here is the decompiler output of .NET Reflector itself for the Square and ShapeGroup classes. You can see that the GetShapeArea method looks a bit different from the original source code, but otherwise the output is very close to the original.

Reflector Dll Decompiler Download

DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://urlgoal.com/2y3Bb2 🔥

This article lists all .NET Decompilers along with their pros and cons to help you choose the best one that meets your needs. To ease comparison, for each decompiler a screenshot of the decompiled method ScreenToGif App_Startup() is provided. Also, the title of each section highlights the main fact: free/commercial, OSS or not, and which decompilation language target is supported.

dotPeek is the free decompiler by Jetbrains. It runs as a standalone. The tool also naturally integrates within Resharper and thus, within Visual Studio and Rider. It has ILSpy features listed above plus:

JustDecompile is published by Telerik. As a matter of fact, JustDecompile is to Telerik what dotPeek is to Jetbrains: a free, powerful, and polished .NET Decompiler tool made by a leading tools & components corporation. These companies invested in their free decompilers to build an appealing entry point to their commercial products. The community benefits from the free tools with the maintenance level of large corporations.

NDepend is not a decompiler like the ones above. Its main source of data are assemblies and IL code but it can also read PDB files, source files, .csproj/.sln files, and even code coverage files produced by various coverage technologies. The tool analyzes all this data to build a rich and queryable model of your .NET assets. Numerous features and use cases are based on this model:

JetBrains ReSharper (commercial + free)

Within a day of the announcement, JetBrains put out a teaser suggesting that a decompiler was in the works. Two weeks later, they announced that the next version of ReSharper will have an integrated decompiler akin to reflector, along with a free standalone version to be released later in the year.

I gave it a try and the decompiler functionality rocks. The generated code is cleaner than that generated by anakrino, and more importantly, the code has hyperlinks to easily jump to other classes and methods.

I don't normally approve of something like this, needless to speak about sharing it, but seeing that bgt is long dead and people are hiting a dead horse insisting for too long now, so, instead of replacing a failed project with another one, I found something that can be tweaked to replace a bgt decompiler.

It's not as if it would be illegal, mind you, abit gray is the use I intent to put it to.

It's intended to optimyse angelscript by converting it in c++. It's a python script that generates c++ code that compiles angelscript bytecode down to c++ based on the source tree of the angelscript lib, so we'll need to obtain the exact source dist of the version bgt uses in order for this to work properly.

After we obtained and compiled our generated compiler, we should create a tool to extract, decrypt and dump the bytecode from the provided bgt executable, then another who integrates our freshly generated code slightly modified to output bgt compliant syntax, thus we'd create for our selfes a bgt decompiler toolchain to decompile any bgt exe and, eventually give people the option to convert it into cpp, etc.

I'm going to say one more thing before I end this abnocciously long post, for the sake of everything that's good in the world, for the sake of liberating the bgt enslaved people, let's do this, now or never!

The link is:


I really hope this will work properly and we'll finally have our own bgt decompiler, if nothing else, then let it be a warning to any bgt starters, never to drink the sweet poison for fear of code decompilation and cloning even if compiled with release mode enabled.

Today I got e-mail from JetBrains stating that there is dotPeek early build available for download. dotPeek is .NET assemblies decompiler that is offered for free and that should replace .NET Reflector (not free anymore). dotPeek will also be part of ReSharper 6. In this posting I will give you brief introduction about dotPeek.

These reverse engineering tools include disassemblers and decompilers. Disassemblers expose the MSIL of an assembly. Decompilers transform the MSIL in an assembly back into a source language, like C#.

Reverse engineering isn't just limited to a small circle of technical folks who know MSIL Assembly Language. You can take it a step further and actually recreate the source code from an application by using a decompiler. These utilities can decompile a .NET assembly directly back to a high level language like C#, VB .NET, or Managed C++.There are many decompilers available to easily see the source of any .NET application.

Reflector is a commercial .NET decompiler.After protection from Dotfuscator, Reflector becomes much less effective for reverse engineering.Running Reflector against the obfuscated GettingStarted.exe file and trying to examine a method such as a() displays the following:

This one is interesting, ILSpy is an open source assembly browser and decompiler for .NET Applications! This means that if you don't like what it does or if you have feature suggestions, "you can just" provide the fix yourself! The tool itself is equal to what JustDecompile offers but the installation process is much easier. You simply grab the binaries or source from the ILSpy website and unzip it wherever you want it!

Let's have a look at what dotPeek thinks of our executable. When opening up dotPeek you're meet with a beautiful interface that feels like it's a part of the Visual Studio family (except for the very colorful icons). Opening up the executable and looking at the code you can see that it didn't really give us the same result as any of the other decompilers we've looked at.

While I like JetBrains products in general, this one feels like there's something missing. Personally when I use a decompiler I want it to be able to show me the output code in different ways and give me options to export it. But if you are looking for an assembly browser that decompiles to C# and just does that, this is perfect. Even better if you are used to ReSharper, you will certainly find the keyboard shortcuts for navigation handy.

ILSpy - open source.NET assembly browser, decompiler and software utility for Microsoft .NET combining class browsing, static analysis, and decompilation. Tool for code internal assemblies code analyzes or reflector tool for our applications to improve the performance or to know the internals of the assembly we have created. I was using Red Gate .NET Reflector earlier for same as it was free and with frequent updates. Now Red Gate has made that tool paid (about 35$) version so I found alternative tools from that I can see IL and C# code easily for free. Why do we need to pay money if we can develop an open source product like ILSpy? That decompiler tool almost giving the same functionalities as .NET Reflector.

I have some dlls that are written in VB for Classic ASP. I would like to decompile these to view the source code but I seem to only find decompilers for .NET dlls. Does anyone know how I might decompile these dlls? I have tried .NET Reflector, Dile, and ILSpy but they all seem to only be able to decompile dlls made for .NET framework.

I tried a number of C# decompilers (dotPeek, Reflector, ILSpy, the one from Teleric) but none of them restores async methods as they look before compilation. Is there any decompiler restoring async/await?My base problem is to migrate nuget package from Xamarin iOS project to x64 Unified iOS project.Thanks.

One of the pioneers in the field and most favourite .NET decompilers is a .NET Reflector. About ten years ago it was acquired from its original author, that offered it to the development community for free, and became a paid product. I am not discussing here how the today's modern paid version of .NET Reflector compares to the original free one. Instead I want to bring developers' attention to another mighty .NET decompiler that has been on the market for many years and is completely free. Let's welcome JetBrains dotPeek.

Do I need to say more? I don't think so. If you have been a .NET Reflector user and stopped using it after it changed ownership you owe it to yourself to take a look at the dotPeek. If you never used a .NET decompiler before, read above.

Next, you need a .NET decompiler such as Redgate .NET Reflector. Run Reflector and open a .dll file containing application code. Select a method, and Reflector does its best to show you the code. It does a good job too:

Download a 14-day, fully functional free trial of Red Gate's .NET Reflector. .NET Reflector is a class browser, decompiler and static analyzer for software created with .NET Framework, originally written by Lutz Roeder. MSDN Magazine named it as one of the Ten Must-Have utilities for developers, and Scott Hanselman listed it as part of his Big Ten Life and Work-Changing Utilities

As you have indicated decompilation has been around for a long time and these techniques are available for most mature platforms including .NET (this is true of disassembly also). Obfuscators are a popular option for folks seeking an additional layer of protection. I would add that explicit statements from the copyright owner about usage and decompilation is incredibly important. We have made it clear that using the decompiler does require the permission of the copyright holder and further that it is an optional feature. 2351a5e196

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