Refined grape seed oil

Refined Grape Seed Oil - Its Traits and Benefits

Масло виноградной косточки рафинированное is extracted from grapes using various methods such as cold-press, solvent extraction and air compression. During this process the oil gets unidirectional from its natural form to a solid and clear extract. The solvents used for this purpose are sodium hydroxide and paraffin wax. Grape seed oil is highly refined when it reaches about 95% pure, hence it is termed as refined.

There are many uses of Refined grape seed oil apart from treating skin conditions and curing oral infections. It can be used as an anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant oil. It can cure serious burns, eczema, herpes, oral herpes, cold sores and many other infections. The anti-bacterial quality of this oil helps fight the growth of bacteria and viruses and it also helps in the formation of blood clots.

One of the most important characteristics of Refined grape seed oil is that it contains vitamin E. Vitamin E is essential for maintaining good health as it helps in preventing cancer, reducing inflammation, improving skin condition etc. Vitamin E can be absorbed through the skin or gastrointestinal tract. This quality makes it very important for treating acne, eczema, psoriasis and other skin related conditions. This quality also helps in the production of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and for keeping it supple.

Another important quality of Refined grape seed oils is that it contains high levels of saturated fatty acids (SFA). These unsaturated fatty acids help to keep your heart healthy. If you keep them in your body for a long time, they help to prevent coronary diseases and heart attacks. The best types of unsaturated fatty acids are linoleic acid, stearic acid, palmitic acid etc.

A third important quality of Refined grape seed oils is that they are extremely stable. When they are stored for a long period of time, they tend to get broken down into simple compounds. These compounds are very useful for skin care. They help in rejuvenating the skin, keeping it moisturized and soft. It is also very effective in moisturizing the hair and scalp.

Last but not least, Refined grape seed oils are also very easy to use. You just have to blend them with some herbs like Rosemary, lavender or marjoram. Make a facial mask out of crushed seeds mixed in yogurt and honey. Applying this mask before going to bed is an excellent anti-ageing treatment. Applying it on the face every morning and at least once in the night is equally beneficial.