Selected Research and Resources

Relevant Academic Resources

  1. Bobel, C. (2007). 'I'm not an activist, though I've done a lot of it': Doing Activism, Being Activist and the 'Perfect Standard' in a Contemporary Movement. Social Movement Studies, 6(2), 147-159. doi:10.1080/14742830701497277
  2. Dutt, A., & Grabe, S. (2014). Lifetime activism, marginality, and psychology: Narratives of lifelong feminist activists committed to social change. Qualitative Psychology, 1(2), 107-122. doi:10.1037/qup0000010
  3. Gorski, P. C. (2015). Relieving burnout and the 'martyr syndrome' among social justice education activists: The implications and effects of mindfulness. The Urban Review, 47(4), 696-716. doi:10.1007/s11256-015-0330-0
  4. Polletta, F., & Jasper, J. M. (2001). COLLECTIVE IDENTITY AND SOCIAL MOVEMENTS. Annual Review Of Sociology, 27283.
  5. Rodriguez, D. (2011). Silent Rage and the politics of resistance: Countering seductions of Whiteness and the road to politicization and empowerment. Qualitative Inquiry, 17(7), 589-598. doi:10.1177/1077800411413994
  6. Ruiz-Junco, N. (2013). Feeling Social Movements: Theoretical Contributions to Social Movement Research on Emotions. Sociology Compass, 7(1), 45-54. doi:10.1111/soc4.12006

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